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Episode 23 – Jaws, Everdell, Kickstarters, News, and more

Josh is back for this episode where we talk through the new Jaws board game, the popular Everdell, and then after a short break we talked about the Die Macher and Game Toppers 2.0 Kickstartes. Plus Josh shares some exciting life news and more for you to enjoy!

Specific Games Discussed: Jaws by Ravensburger, Everdell by Starling Games, Die Macher Limited Edition by Stronghold Games and Spielworxx, and Catan by Catan Studios

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——-Audio Transcript (Coming Soon, generated by AI)——–

0:07 – 05:16

In today’s Episode Board Game Impact Josh’s back and got some really cool games that we’ve been playing as well as some really really cool news that you definitely don’t WanNa miss out on so stay tuned for this really cool episode of Board Game Impact Welcome to board game impact on board game impact we combine our passion for this Amazing Board Game Hobby along with our education and our background in working as educators to really break down the gaming experiences that we’re having and things that we’re getting to experience in the hobby so so you can make informed decisions for you and your gaming group and if that sounds like something of interest to you make sure to hit that subscribe button real quick before we move on with anything else and if you’re already a subscriber welcome back and you know who I am I’m Bruce Brown and then I’m also joined by Josh Isringhausen and yes Josh is back. Everybody Josh’s back Jeremy. We loved having you on the last episode. Talking about behavioral economics engages in Game Purchasing and game selling which was awesome but it’s so wonderful to have have josh back now before we get into the Games Josh you have been doing a lot of stuff lately and I wanted to take a moment so that way you can kind of explain what’s going on with all that and also because it does affect how often you’re getting to play some games but you’re not disappearing. You’re just you’re having a season right now. Absolutely <hes> Yeah I was very disappointed not be on the last episode I did get a chance to listen to it and and and really enjoyed your conversation with Jeremy and was listening and thinking about <hes> how disappointed I was that I wasn’t participating in that conversation <hes> but listeners just kind of give you a heads up. No I am not leaving. I’m not disappearing when you’re going anywhere. <hes> actually the reason I was not on the last episode is I have just finished a whirlwind of job. Interviews Traveling Cross Country Multiple Times in a two week period and end was just recently <hes> made the decision. I can finally officially announce this to the public <hes> that I will be moving on out to Colorado in the next two weeks so I I am in packing mode and processing a lot of things right now so unfortunately have not been able to do a lot of gaming unfortunately had to miss last recording session and and you know have been really hard pressed to get get any type of recording and gaming in here but <hes> I just wanted to let the listeners know what the deal was that that I’m not <hes> disappearing going away <hes> I just may not be as regular for the next couple of weeks as things settle in and <hes> making some major life choice. The major life moves here so I just wanted to Kinda give that update <hes> and Bruce Bruce. Thank you so much for <hes> again letting me Kinda share a little bit personal life with our listeners <hes> but <hes> thank you all for for the support and everything else I really appreciate appreciate <hes> candidate having my space to be able to to get that stuff taking care of <hes> looking forward to getting back into gaming and really looking forward to finding a new gaming group on so if any of our listeners out there in Colorado and WanNa look me up on on B._G.. Or any other the social media’s feel free to reach out and we’ll see if we can get a game night together yeah and so Josh I’m GonNa Challenge you on something well first of all actually before I get into that from the listeners and just for me. I just want to know congratulations. I know this is actually a really awesome move and listeners. He was actually texting me while he was traveling around of like dude. You have gum. Check out this board game cafe. There’s three within like a one mile radius of where I’m going to be living and I’m like real jealous about all the fun new adventures that you’re going to have and I’ve already been looking into flights to come out and check that out once you get settled but I know all the listeners are very excited for you. I’m very excited for you and it’s going to be a really cool and well-deserved transition but that also being said this kind of comes at perfect timing because over the next couple episodes of the day this podcast episode launches this field eldest who we’ve talked about before the game of the year awards have gone out and so we’ll be I’ll be doing in the next episode. We’ll be going in. I’ll be going into that most likely and talking about all the winners and my experience playing those games and what you should look out for <hes> but also doing a livestream about those games as well check that out so and then we’ve got Gen con right around the corner so there’s going to be more of an update season anyway so it’s kind of the perfect time for move just the thank you on that Josh but you’ve also I’ve been playing that game.

05:16 – 10:03

You have been playing a game this whole time. Believe it or not even playing a dexterity game of spatial awareness game. How has that been going ashore? <hes> <hes> you know I I don’t know if this is just like a callback to me growing up as a kid or what it is I love packing. I hate packing. I love organizing my life into boxes that can stack <hes> I- tetris tetras ing a moving van is is for some reason really Cathartic to me <hes> now it’s been going well. It’s been a little bit crazy. He living out of boxes for a couple of weeks is always a little hectic but we’re getting into <hes> the the back end of it here so hopefully be wrapping up pretty soon and really looking forward for it to the move perfect and good luck on all the move stuff and I can’t wait to be seeing you very soon but also this is very exciting but that being said I know you have been able to play a game. I’ve been playing some games but with everything going on in your life life. We’re GONNA ad hoc this a little bit so we’re GonNa talk about some games but then we’re also going to talk about some news and some kick starters after the quick break here in the middle just so that way we can get you some of the latest cooled content. That’s going on for us and so that way you can make those informed decisions so josh. I’M GONNA start this one off. If it’s okay with you take it away okay so I I have been seeing this game on shelves. I didn’t know it was coming out and then just kind of came out within this past month and a half and the game is jaws. It’s like the movie the Box art is the movie poster actually so it’s a full I._p.. Game target exclusive by Ravensburger now. I don’t know about you Josh but when I see an I._p.. Based game and also target exclusive although target has been better about having some really great games that we can introduce people to I always worry about some of these things especially when it’s right now on the shelf next to Kenny Jeez keeping been at sexy and Bob Ross the art of the chill which I’ve actually heard is wonderful game but I had been doing some research on this jaws game because unlike that sounds kind of cool being a shark and being the player so this game Josh is it’s designed to axe and so how works is the first half of the game or however long it takes your actually on the island and so it’s one player doing hidden movement whose jaws which by the way the name of the Shark in the movie he is Bruce so that’s why I was draws because that’s my name. Steven Spielberg named the shark after his attorney. The other players are all playing brody hooper and I cannot remember the other character right now but essentially two of them are in the ocean and one of them’s on the island amny emnity island and what you’re they’re trying to do is trying to find jaws because there’s been shark attacks and so the first half of the Game Act one is them being on this island closing down beaches feeding these booties to the different boats the two players who are in boats out in the water and what they’re trying to do is drop these booties on jaws on Bruce so that way they know where it is and then they can go out and hunted down and so act two of the game triggers went either jaws eats nine people or they dropped two boobs on does so that’s how it triggers around too so how it works for jaws. Is there actually doing after the little event card happens they actually right out there movements on the secret little score pet now what’s interesting act to is takes place on the Orca so on the boat in the movie and it’s programmed movement of jaws and all the players programming out what they’re going to do and jaws is trying to do one of two things. They’re trying to either eat all the people or destroy the boat completely so it’s a modular style board. It’s really really cool but it’s the backside of the act one board and the players can win if they kill jaws now it’s fascinating about that is depending on how many people jaws eight in the first half of the game gives if jaws eats a lot of people jaws gets a lot of special power cards. If Jaws only a couple people then only gets a couple of power cards but the other players get a ton of resources to us to try and kill jaws so it’s really cool how they had this interwoven theme mm-hmm and the mechanics feel exactly like you’re watching the movie play out.

10:04 – 15:11

It’s a very very well designed and well put together game and I would highly recommend checking this one out. It’s only thirty bucks target exclusive disease sound like something of interest you Josh you know I I’m not. This may be a hot take. I don’t know <hes> I’m not a huge jaws fan <hes> I I don’t know I maybe I just never watched it. Whenever it will I I might have watched it a little bit too late <hes> and so it didn’t really impress me as much as what I think he did a lot of other people <hes> but you know the game the mechanics of the game sound decent enough <hes> you actually hit on something that I think was pretty the interesting you know? I’m actually becoming a little bit less cautious towards Pargat I._p.. Based Games <hes> now. That’s not to say all all I._P.. Based Games I still I put a lot of grain of salt on pretty much anything coming out with a major I._p.. <hes> but when it comes to target coming out with some of these new games I’ve heard really good things things about jaws. <hes> not just from you. I’ve heard it from from a couple other folks. Who’ve said you know really really positive things about their experience playing that game? I’ve heard really great things about Bob. Ross interestingly enough haven’t heard anything about Kenny G.. Though who knows maybe that’s a good game too. I don’t know they’ve shocked us in the past but I’ve I think I’m more and villainous villainous. The Disney Disney game. I think is another really quality. Example of this of Nielsen. ZIP ARE VILLAINS YEAH. It’s villainous but it’s all about the Disney villains yeah yeah yeah. They’re they’re coming out was pretty interesting being lighter weight entry level games that that are actually relatively decent to play and so I’m a little bit less cautious about picking something like that up <hes> like I said you know for me. I don’t think this is one that I’m going to run out by right away but it I like that. There is a big box office store that is bringing out games that are quality games that appeal to a larger audience I think it does. <hes> the Board Game Hobby A- great service to have <hes> you know have a an institution that is putting out these really high profile I._p.’s that are drying more people into into into the hobby so also. I think that’s that’s probably the thing that I think is is most important about about some of these games. We can have fun time playing them but I think it does help the hobby whenever we have decent games coming out through target absolutely and I’m very thankful target has kinda taken up that mantle now withdraws just two point this out so I was playing with some very seasoned gamers when I brought this to game day but also playing with somebody who had never ever even been to our meet up before and so he hasn’t really played many games and so it was really easy and it put everybody on the same playing field and so it was really good for Gamers who’ve been around a lot of games also brand new people the reference it’s cards were super useful super easy at introducing everybody to what’s going on even if you hadn’t really seen the movie so he hadn’t even seen the movie so it was still there sell relevant yeah. I don’t know why he joined joined us but he did and it was a lot of fun but it actually picked it up though because I don’t have many hidden movement games just to call that and I was wanting to learn more about that and get better at that and so I think it’s a really good hey this is a lighter weight hidden movement game. That’s not gonNA take the three hours of a vampire the masquerade or those kinds of things and so that was really cool to get exposure through that in two types of movement one programming one actually hidden movement where you actually write stuff down so that school and at the the programming mechanic. I think that’s that’s really Kinda. Cool that that that second half is is what I think where I think I would most enjoy playing a game like that where you’re where you’re programming your head movement a little a bit I I think that sounds really neat but yeah so what have you been playing so interestingly enough. I like I said I have not had a chance to game a lot of over the past really month but <hes> within the past three weeks I have been able to play one game and have now played it four times and that is ever del by starling games <hes> for listeners who aren’t aware of whatever Dell is this came out in two thousand eighteen <hes> to a great deal of fan fair and I was a little.

15:12 – 20:21

I don’t know why I just it didn’t sound like something that intrigued me until I looked into it a little bit more and I just have to say wow. This game is absolutely fantastic. I instantly. I don’t have a lot of Ken Starr Games on my B._G.. Rating and this is one of them. What’s going on in this game? So in this game you play <music> as <hes> very cute woodland critters <hes> your options are the mice the hedgehogs the turtles and these squirrels and you who are building up the city of ever del at the base of the ever tree and so there’s actually this giant cardboard tree Standi that you build and place on the table. It’s actually one of the big complaints is that it is unnecessary. You don’t need it and it takes up a lot of space heading looks cool but it looks cool and it creates is really nice presence on the table <hes> but as you do that you you are there are to make too big things you are as worker placement and Tableau building so you are placing your workers out onto the board to gather resources which you will venues to build buildings and I and hire workers for those buildings <hes> to put into your tableau your section of ever del <hes> and each card has a series of points on it. You will also also be able to collect in game rewards for having certain combinations of cards or a certain number of a certain type of cards that will score you some in game victory points and you play until you run out of actions. One of the things I think was very interesting about this game and something that I actually really enjoy is that the game doesn’t end for everyone at the same time you play until you can no longer take actions actions and for some people that may take longer than other folks pretty much. Every time I’ve played one person is kind of at the end just running through and doing a whole bunch of actions by themselves for the last two or three minutes while everyone else’s done on and tallying their scores because they had extra things that they could do their engine that they had built took a little bit longer to run on in terms of the amount of turns they had so you know somebody ending the game by completing their actions didn’t end the game and cut everyone else’s kind of engine building off which was something I found really nice was that you know I if I spent a long time building up this really complex engine and mapping out a whole bunch of things somebody who just kind of rushed through things wasn’t putting putting me off by it. I I really really really enjoy this game. It is absolutely fantastic. I was very jealous of of my buddy who got this so ever. Dell has been running on average about one hundred one hundred one hundred twenty dollars dollars for awhile now. It is a sixty dollar M._s. r._p._M.. But has been sold out for quite some time and my buddy just happened to pop into our friendly local game store and was browsing around one day and saw on the shell four sixty dollars and that’s our P. snatched it up and buy lottery ticket yet. He absolutely absolutely knocked it out of the park. I was really really impressed very jealous like I said in the last month or so I have played pretty much ever Dell and that’s about it. It is consistently hitting the table. <hes> I was given permission permission from my fiance to purchase ever Dell as win that I get to purchase before we move so where’s it shipping do we are. I’m waiting till we moved to okay Colorado and then I I will purchase it for listeners an important thing to note here <hes> I’m not wait. I’m not spending one hundred dollars on this nor should you. There is a second printing that is on the way it will be coming in the next couple months as of right now it is estimated third quarter of twenty eighteen so within the next month or two it should be <hes> hit back on on shelves probably right so they can take some orders Gen con and send them out when they get back yeah which is going to be the beginning of August of twenty nineteen so josh.

20:21 – 25:15

I have a question on some stuff that you brought up there because I know a lot of times when I play a worker placement game or sometimes a programming game. I always always feel like a bunch of games. I’m getting my engine to be right where I want. It and it’s like one turn before I’m about to run. The Dang thing someone ends the game. It sounds like you get to actually fulfil and complete that things there’s more sense of accomplishment there. Is that what I’m hearing absolutely yeah. <hes> yeah as your as you’re kind of building things up one of the I mean there’s worker placement as a core mechanic of this game but it’s actually not as prevalent as what one might think really your main source of resources. You’re sending your workers out together. Resources they come back and then your main action is building your tableau in front WanNa view and so you’re building out your city and as you build out your city your city will allow you to take actions and trigger a whole bunch of things off of one another really really nicely and yeah you don’t have when when someone ends the game the game is over for them you continue to take your actions until you can no longer take actions on the board to maximize your score to the best of your ability it in some respects that it feels very solitaire Tara like yeah but you know there’s I think it also has so there’s <hes> and some bonus or sorry Promo cards that that Adalah that you can add into the deck at a little bit of a take that mechanic <hes> there’s already one card in the deck the fool card which you can play on someone else’s player board and his negative points uh-huh because no one wants to fool running around in their city and so he takes up a space on your board and his negative point so there’s a little bit of player interaction a little bit of messing with one one another obviously the interaction of there’s no bumping workers once a worker is on that space there there until that person chooses to recall their workers so you can kind of hunker down on a space and try to block other people out of prime real estate on the board so there is a little bit of player Interaction Player manipulation taking cards before people can get to them so there’s a a common pool of cards in the middle of the board that that you can try and snatch up before someone else does not a lot of player interaction but enough that it keeps people engaged in the game so enough that it keeps you engaged but not enough to like ruin your engines because they know that can happen with some of these games to or not enough to completely mess you over of the spots you WanNa take on a year game sounds pretty cool actually so josh with that and listeners we’re actually and take a quick break just because I want to do a couple quick updates and then when we come back from this break we are going to jump into some kickstarter knees as well as some other gaming related news so you definitely want to stay tuned for that because there’s some pretty cool the thing is coming out and to stay tuned. Hey listen. I hope you enjoyed learning earning a jaws and ever del. We’re going to be getting back into some games that are on kickstarter and others some other news that you’re GonNa WanNa hear about sustained for that but in the meantime I just wanted to get quick break to give you a couple updates and also lets you know about something so the first update is that believe it or not will actually on Iheartradio so board game impact is now available on iheartradio which yes it’s the same Iheartradio that you’ve heard in your car as you’re listening to regular radio stations of Hey tuned into us on iheartradio and Iheartradio the concert and all those kind of things so if you enjoy listening to radio content through Iheart you can also listen to board game impact and so if you WANNA check that out hopping over to iheartradio or just ask Amazon’s Alexa and and so there’s a couple of other updates that I wanted to share with you and the first of which wanted to give it quick shoutout to Justin who’s one of our phenomenal patriots backers and so he is supporting us over on Patriot Dot com slash board game impact and so on the Patriot for those of you who haven’t been.

25:15 – 30:10

Familiar with Patriot patriotic away it’s a crowd funding source where you can go on support people on a per month or per content creation basis and so for our patriots. It’s on a per month basis and so we’re putting out at least two podcasts a month as well some other things I’m about to talk about and so on Patriots on on the right hand side you just go paycheck dot com so let’s board game impact and check out all the different tiers which is based on your level of engagement as well some more information about board game impact. So why are are we making this content. Why are we work and he listened to the show more and what everything goes towards? There’s different tiers of support that you can provide the first of which is just a very basic. Hey Amman here. I want to get access to the Patriot only posts so on here every twice voice every week I’m putting out some sort of post at least on Patriot at least twice a week and so typically that’s a Tuesday and Thursday so I’ve been writing little articles up finding things on read it finding things online writing up my thoughts about them also putting out some mm-hmm ideas for non-conventional Gateway Games that you might WANNA consider there’s a lot of Patriot post that you can actually access by joining so you can join with that also doing a now a quarterly newsletter and so what that’s going to be is general thoughts about about some things going on in the hobby and Kinda hearing from me because I’m the one kind of leading during all of this Josh is a coast on the show but this is the way that I’m G- engaging to kind of cover our basis so that’s a quarterly newsletter have some information and that’s going on my thoughts directly to you and then also a game highlight of the quarter and then also what what has happened in the last quarter and then things you can look forward to moving forward so things that are going on that we’re looking forward to you like different. Conventions were attending different games. We’re looking forward to kick stars. They’re supposed to being fulfilled and then also looking back in some of the highlights because there’s a lot of content coming out and some of the things I’m about to say so you’re GonNa WanNa know and be able to piece together. What what I’ve been doing with the funds that you’ve been providing the show and so there’s a newsletter access tier and then all these other tiers have scaling things so if you backed at a higher level you get all the previous things as well and the next one I wanted to talk to you about real? Quick is the player player level which is really what I think you’re gonNA WANNA look at because that’s going to have actually all of those things of the newsletter access the Patriot post as well as on weeks opposite weeks of when I’m recording when episode actually launches I’m doing some different youtube live streams and so those live streams are about twentyish minutes. I’m talking about some games coming up some thoughts on some things from the hobby but with this level you can actually jump into those livestream streams that’s hosted on youtube but it’s only available through our patriae on level and so you can actually hop on we can interact and talk about the show get your questions answered as well as you insights about what’s going to be coming up in the upcoming shows and so with that not can also be listed in all of our youtube credits once they go to recorded status as well as on the website and things so there’s a lot of really cool content coming out and things that you don’t WanNa miss and I think that you would be too and so that’s why I’m making sure to tell you about it but but by supporting the show on Patriots on literally Helps Helps Josh and I get even more and better content out to you and says thank you Justin and others who are supporting the show on there I completely understand if that’s not an option for you and so if that’s not an option to you for you or or in other ways just please do go in the show because that will really help spread the word and just tell your friends about the show because we want this to be able to have a positive impact and that’s why we’re doing all of this to help this amazing hobby is a speaking about this amazing hobby. Let’s jump right back into the show and wanted this to be just a quick short update so we’re going to jump right back into the show and enjoy welcome back listeners. I hope you enjoyed learning about the Patriot updates and things like that so now that we have josh back on we’re going to jump into some news and so josh one of the things I wanted to talk about that. We haven’t talked about in a while or some kickstarter is going on because we can. We you and I have actually been playing a lot of games over last couple months. This one season is just a little tighter but there are some cool kick started going on that our listeners might want to be aware of and so actually I’m GONNA a start off with one that is actually closed right now but I’m talking about it because you can still get access to it. They have a late played pledge available but that is D- macher Democra- it was the first game ever uploaded into the Board Board Game Geek database so if you started board Game Geek Dot com slash game slash one this was the game that will come up so Scott all the Alden.

30:10 – 35:02

Who is the Founder Board Game Meek? This is the first game you put in there is essentially called the godfather of Euro Games so again Euro Games are games that are designed with the mechanics first theme second and so it’s what it is it’s actually German elections and so in the original game you have seven total elections actions in Europe politician and you have different little policy things whether you’re pro pro surveillance or negative surveillance or pro education or pro urbanization etc but it’s all symbols for these things things and it would take a couple of hours to play and then you’re trying to get your person elected person with the most elect electoral points. Essentially points wins the game now of course you can also this is like real politics. There are donations quote unquote or bribes in other words that you can make to give special powers during the game and everybody has kind of the same ones but this is put out by. There’s a limited edition because it’s been like thirty five years since his game I came out this is being put out by both stronghold games aims and Spiel works and there are only doing this print run. It’s not going to be out for at least another two years because it is sold so they don’t really know the demand but they’ve guaranteed like you will not be able to get this outside of the kickstarter for another two years and that’s part of I wanted to talk about got it now in the new game. It’s seven elections in this limited edition but it is four elections with an optional variant to have more if you’d like a longer game so they have streamlined at down so instead of taking a bunch hours you’re going to be able to play this like two and a half two hours ars to two and a half hours because this is a meteor crunchier euro game can sound like a lot but from everything I’ve seen this game looks like a lot of fun of really that theme and kind of coming through but the euro mechanics having having fun because you can put people to help you in future elections. You’re not just doing the election now. You’re working on the elections that are GONNA go on in the future and trying to align yourself as a politician to be the one everybody wants to elect so that is D- macher justice you look at this one at all you know I did I. I paid attention to it. I did not actually look at it because of my <hes> spending prohibition for for the next couple of months as as I prepped for everything <hes> and very disappointing to myself honestly <hes> Democra- has been a bit of a grail game for me for awhile now actually and quite sad at the timing of this release because it came <hes> right smack in the middle of when I was deciding that I needed to put a hiatus on any major <hes> expenditures so I I I’m really looking forward to the I’m hoping that they will bring this back. <hes> sooner rather than later for for another print though I am looking through this late pledge I have to say I’m a little disappointed by one thing and that is is money bills so in money. I think it’s going to be like the raccoon tycoon like the plastic money which is actually satisfying for that game but it actually it’d be kind of cool if they went with some of the other ones where it’s like a bound stack of money. You know what I mean. You ever seen that things cash has that yeah. I you know it’ll I but that is a small component issue. I this is a game. That looks really really interesting really really really good. I would love to to give this a shot. <hes> looking over here does look like they are projecting to have a limited number at Essen and potentially B._G.. Con refs there make their frank game so maybe we’ll knock on wood here but life will be a little bit more sorted by by November and I can try and stand in line at B._G.. Kanda snatch one of these if if I’m able all too yeah and so this game actually is supposed to be shipping November of two thousand nineteen so that’s right when B._G.. CON is which would be perfect and so spiel works is over in Europe and so they’re having a print run over there and then some for the U._S. But yes stronghold so Stephen Bunker has come out and said that they are making very limited like one hundred ish copies above whatever the order is that ends up happening so they could have some for convention but also Josh like. I’m going to have Mike copy now and I could just bring it to just bring it to thing would love her love to get shot to play this bruce absolutely and I’ll be bringing it and so that way hey you’re guaranteed player. GotTa Find Two more so so that is democracy hop on kickstarter.

35:02 – 40:02

You can check out that late. Pledge that is by stronghold game spill works and of course struggle games as part of Indie game studio so Josh you have a couple of things on your side yeah so the first thing I wanted to mention in terms of kickstarter here <hes> the big one for me that I’m again really heartbroken. I can’t spend a lot of money right now because this one is a big investment but that is game toppers two point four listeners are there so nice for our listeners who aren’t aware or have never heard of game toppers or haven’t seen them <hes> game toppers are <hes> essentially game tables that conversion kits <hes> you you buy them. They come in some sections and you snap together and place on top of your kitchen table and they will convert your kitchen table or your living room coffee table or whatever you have walmart folding table Walmart folding table into a bona fide high class well well done board gaming table <hes> they have some they just look gorgeous. They make <hes> gay mats that are absolutely phenomenal and in this new kickstarter they actually contracting out some artwork for limited release Game Matt’s Custom Game Matt’s One designed by one of my favorite artists Ryan Lock it <hes> they also have one designed to look like the world of Saif so you can low roll out your site inspired Matt on your game topper. These things look absolutely phenomenal nominal one of my favorite things about them. You have an optional by of these hanging bags so like I said they break down into <hes> individual parts and they actually you can buy on a separate separate of the pledge these these bags which will hang in your closet so you can store your game table hanging in your closet and not have a lot of space being taken up. It’s a great great. I think option Russian <hes> relatively affordable option for folks who don’t have a lot of space want to be able to have a high quality top of the line game table <hes> but don’t have the space to have a second game table alert. Don’t have the money to to buy a full-fledged game table. I think their lowest <hes> game board comes in at a bow <hes> M._s. r._p._M.. Five hundred dollars but kickstarter. kickstarter rate of four hundred dollars which yes sounds like a lot is a lot but when compared to multi thousand dollar game tables is is really a drop in the bucket and you’ll these things are like <unk> built a super last. This is what gets used for like origins game fair B._G.. Cons happens twice a year so they put in storage for half the year and get beaten up at conventions and they look amazing just GonNa call that they they the the would on the would inlays on them. Look absolutely beautiful. The <hes> you know the construction of them is absolutely phenomenal year right <hes> seeing them at B._G.. Khan and the the beatings that they take at those conventions and they come back every year and they still look absolutely fantastic. I’m I’m all I’m constantly in awe by the quality of you’ve of what these these game toppers are <hes> really really great <hes> purchase if a people are able to to you know spring for something like that so oh really encourage listeners to take a look at it really really love these things. These things are awesome so if you’re somebody WHO’s as wanted to gaming table but doesn’t really have the space or things like that check this out. I’m also GONNA throw US out burkey. WHO’s the guy behind game toppers who you’ll see in all the pictures and stuff for the top hat on he’s just a wonderful human being too? I’ve met him at some of the conventions and every almost every publisher has a phenomenal relationship with him so in all the things you’ll see pictures as of all sorts of games and that’s because he has relationships with all those companies and so that’s why has things like Ryan special art from Ryan Lock it of Red Raven Games or some Saif art for from Jamie Steg Meyer Things like that in Jacob ebb artist for all that so go check that out.

40:02 – 45:43

It’s game toppers if you’re interested in this one. You have to hop on this like now because at the time of this recording there’s only a couple of days left and I think you’re going to have two days after this according to a closes potential for late pledge but it’s going be available so that’s why I wanted we wanted to put this out there. Call and tell them the listeners about that one josh absolutely end for listeners who may be listening to this a few days later. I will say part of why the kickstarter is happening is to you re up their stock so if you go to game toppers l._l._C. dot com <hes> after the kickstarter has expired you you should be able to find it. You’re just going to find it at full M._s. r._p._M.. Prices rather than the kick starter exclusive prices so go check that out so there’s actually like the true thing of kicks are being used as a store but like he needs us in order to make things so that’s really really cool. That’s game toppers so I’ve got something different in an outside. The scope of like aren’t things but it’s just some news that I think you’re GonNa WanNa be aware of as a Gamer to Josh. This is really cool. I was watching the origins livestream wrap up video which is well. It’s also the whole origin stream for the last day but ended up being the rapid video to for Biji so they go to all these conventions for board game meek and their ad origins and they had publishers coming on demonstrating their Games Yada Yada Yada which is cool. If you ever want check that out they have they post all those interviews schedules and you can click into them so it’s cool seeing like Rodney Smith or Martin and others interviewing these game designers and publishers that being said at the very end of it. They announced something that’s going to perfect little it all of us who use the site and that is that there during during Gen con. They’re going to be making an announcement but it’s kind of already been in announcement but they’re going to show off with the thing is all of board game. Geek is GonNa look completely different front so they’ve talked. They’ve updating colors getting rid of Ernie. WHO’s the logo with the dude running with the hair Mousse back and the checkers game board or chess game board however you WanNa look at that all that logos going away because it’s like twenty years old old and it’s time for some new life if you’ve gone to board game spring or fall and the colors of the jerseys and those kind of things all of that’s completely being updated all those things are now a relic of the past and so the rest of the website site though of the format and look it that’s going to be updated later in the fall according to all the but all the colors and everything else like that so if you’re not paying attention to the Gen con updates literally you’ll go to bed one night and then they’ll just wake up the next day and everything’s GonNa look different so wanting to give you that heads up because I know it’d be like what website am I on right now for split-second and so I think that’s going to be really cool? I think it’s very much so needed but I think it should be good for all of us so that’s pretty exciting <hes> no idea on colors or anything like that yet but they’ve apparently been working on it for a year and a half so should be good really looking forward to it. I will say I I love B._G.. US frequently it is not the most most aesthetically pleasing website money Internet not wrong. I I would imagine that this is a huge undertaking though because it is a massive massive website on so to be able to to relaunch a redesign I’m sure has taken quite some time so really excited to see what that that comes out looking like yeah and so as a heads up there’s about two million users a month on B._G.. All of whom can create their own content so there’s a lot of content tim out there but that being said speaking of Content Josh sent me something today that had me like hurting on my sides from laughing and you gotTa talk you gotTa let listeners though about it so listeners I have some kind of shocking news here <hes> and and that is that that the spiel judges have have made an unprecedent decision and they are pulling the field jars award from settlers of Catan it in a surprise move here <hes> I was laughing because of their ground their findings of because there’s as a person who’s petitioning positioning and they said it’s because of how overpowered the sheep bar. It’s like they pull the wool over is Josh. How did I not see that one coming brutes? Did you know what’s going to happen. Order not see that one but yes so. They’ve apparently pulled this right. Josh you know I I have to give it to. I’M GONNA call out this author here. This was <hes> tiffany lay <hes> a phenomenal piece on Maple Mountain Dot Com <hes> it was US listeners a satirical news article <hes> regarding being <hes> the pulling of this Spiel from the nineteen ninety four award winner settlers of Catan over it being a broken game because of one person’s one one time playthrough <hes> I found this hilarious I am not the biggest settlers of Catan fan in the world but <hes> just found it very very entertaining very funny.

45:43 – 50:12

<hes> had to share it with Bruce and so had to share it with Y’all recommend going giving it a read. It is quite an entertaining piece. It really isn’t thanks to us for sending it to me like I said it caused some great laughs of the sheep being overpowered etc because it’s like you always always have sheep actually in the game I end up trying to name my sheep and then trying to trade sheep for sheep with people just to get new sheep because I don’t want you. I want their sheep this sheep yeah exactly and so just it’s fun to go. Check that out so good. I’ll put the link to that article ear in the descriptions. If you WanNa read that for yourself I it is satire though but also it’s like a good reminder by the way that one the Spiel in nineteen ninety four and it still like going strong for a lot of new gamers it is and and you know like I said I’m not a huge fan of it. I it is not a game that I think I will really ever pick up in and really play a whole lot again but you’re absolutely correct it is it is evergreen game if there ever was one in and good on good on them for for making it is continuing again kind of like those those target games. This is a game that you can pick up anywhere you can pick it up at target or Walmart or wherever you wanna find it and generally it is a great game to introduce people to the hobby introduce people to the concept of aboard game being something that is actually fun an enjoyable and a nice way to spend an evening with friends and so speaking of spending evening with friends. It’s been wonderful spending this evening recording with your Josh but it speaking of also spiel if you want to find out the Games is it just one this field N._p._R.’s do you go over and check out hop on the Patriot and then a couple of days after that hop on the Youtube because I am going to be doing a livestream right talk about all of the Games that just won the game that wins Kenner spilled this yours as well as Spiel this year so Gamer game of the year as well as hobby game of the year so get excited for that top on that so if you are listening to this recording of time it comes out is that video be just brand new and so if you WanNa cop in live hop on over the Patriots Dot Com but Josh Gosh. I know there’s a lot going on for you but I know I know we are all very thankful and happy for you that all the excitement that I know you’ve told me off line about your new move in new opportunities like that’s really awesome and so congrats on that and we look forward to connecting connecting with you post move or during the move if we get so lucky but also hearing how you settle into games in a brand new area because that’ll be cool for our listeners to absolutely really looking forward to it really excited Colorado going to be a great replace <hes> like I said to you while I was there <hes> some really really awesome board game cafes. I’ve already checked out one while I was interviewing. There will definitely be coming back and checking out and <hes> hopefully beginning some shouts here on the show next time I I’m we’re back on sounds great so josh any last parting words for the listeners once again listeners thank you also much for for tuning in listening to US spending this <music> hour or so <hes> letting us talk to you about this hobby and why we love it so much and what we’ve been experiencing in it and the type of impact that these gains have for us and our friends and family and that’s absolutely wonderful again Josh congrats on the new job and enjoy the move now that being said <hes> I’m going to be doing some different updates as we go along here with the Spiel and then an episode about the Gen uncon- and things like that so get excited about the upcoming episodes thank you I cannot say enough how Josh said it perfectly on the nose but how thankful we are that you’re listening to board game impact and we hope that listening to what’s going on for us in our gaming lives and what kind of things were backing or what we’re seeing in gaming experiences also having an impact on you and your gaming group you can learn more about us by visiting our Website Board game impact dot com. If you’d like to have a topic discussed you can email us. Send us a direct message on facebook facebook instagram the email for that is board game impacted and the Instagram facebook or force board game impact and one last shot out to our phenomenal Patriot backers <hes> real quick.

50:12 – 50:45

If you want to get a shout out like the one we had today hop fun over there and check out how you can have happened going to patriots dot com slash board game impact and then lastly we were just love it if you wouldn’t mind take us quick second and do while you still have and your queuing up that next podcast rate the show in in your podcast APP so that way we can increase the optimization that have other people get this content as well in spreading the word is super super helpful but more importantly we hope that you are having a phenomenal summer and that you get to go out and play some amazing amazing games.