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Episode 47 – Pandemic Aquisitions

In this episode Bruce & Josh crash through 14 different games/expansions that they have acquired during the Pandemic up to that point while talking through some considerations around managing impulses and seeking true satisfaction rather than short term joy.

Specific Games Discussed:

  • Pendulum (Stonemaier Games)
  • Tapestry + Plans & Ploys Expansion (Stonemaier Games)
  • Azul: Summer Pavilion (Next Move)
  • StartUps (Oink Games)
  • Blitzkrieg (Plastic Soldier Company)
  • Tekhenu (Board & Dice)
  • Memoir ’44 Easter Front Expansion (Rio Grande Games)
  • Scythe: Wind Gambit Expansion (Stonemaier Games)
  • Wingspan: Oceania Expansion (Stonemaier Games)
  • Racoon Tycoon (Forbidden Games)
  • Warhammer 40K [Tau Army and Terrain] (Games Workshop)
  • Clans of Caledonia (Karma Games)
  • Dune Imperium (Dire Wolf Digital)

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Episode 47 Pandemic Aquisitions

00:00:09 – 00:05:14

In this episode of board game impact. Bruce and josh are going to crash course through their pandemic acquisitions once. They got him what they got in. Believe it or not they’re going to cover twenty fourteen different games including expansions efan. Welcome to another episode of board game impact. As always i am. Bruce and i’m joined by. This is josh and for those of you who are new to the show. Josh and i both work fulltime in education and we apply our educational lenses to the games and experiences that were having in this great hobby for you and your gaming groups benefits if that sounds like of interest to you make sure to click subscribe on all the things so we can get this content all the time so josh it’s been twenty twenty and if you’re listening to this this in the future hope things are great in the future. But in the meantime we’re going into the now. Holiday season of twenty twenty cases are on the rise in the united states. But we’re not getting into all of that. We are going to get into is. What have we been buying throughout these last couple of months and i also have some research pulled up on our buying habits and what can be going on there during these kinds of things but we’re gonna be talking about games you’ve acquired and also more importantly what led us to getting them and the reasons behind why we’re getting them and so if you’re interested in content like that wanna points you over to our youtube channel. We recently just posted another video. This one’s on loss aversion particularly in clans of caledonia. So how games and other situations can make you not want to take certain actions based on the potential losses. The you might be losing things on the board or resources etc so go. Check that out over on you. Youtube pitch but josh. What are you interested in about today in this topic. Yeah so i mean we’ve got. I think we’ve both been doing a little bit of. Yeah i guess therapy shopping by the looks of it as well as just some general You know getting some new things in and playing around with them. And so i think it’s really interesting to talk to you especially with With you because i i’ve been able just by the nature of Where where i live and the the case rates of where i’ve been living Things are getting a little bit worse right now. But i’ve been able to be playing some games in person and so My purchases have been hitting the table pretty quickly for the most part But i find it very interesting kind of change that i’ve seen in in your purchasing habits and so i think that’s something that i’m really interested to kind of explore a little bit here. Yeah i think that’s going to be cool to talk about to and you’re right You have been able to get things to the table so one of the things we talk about often is position in things right. We are both married We both with our spouses. And that’s all that are there. Plus we have a dog each right and so with that. You’ve been able to get things to the table. I’ve somewhat been able to get some games to the table with my wife. But i have not been able to game with gamed with anybody in person since the first week of march and the time of this recording. This is the end of november. So yeah that that’s a thing. This is going to be cool. So josh where should we start. Oh boy so. Let’s start with a a game that that we’ve actually both gotten to the table. Wants now and something. We both picked up You talked about a couple episodes back. And i had mentioned at that time. The that my thoughts on this game would becoming an episode in the future. Once i got it to the table so pendulum by stone. Meyer game came out in october. Right all know. It came out for anybody who preordered it in august. Believe it or not yeah. It’s been town since time is in the world that we live in here in twenty twenty. I wow back. It seems like i just got that the other day and it was released at the end of august josh the end of august wow Yeah my my world is a little weird right now.

00:05:14 – 00:10:02

Obviously for everyone. I think that is true. So pendulum came out in august. I did not get it to the table until the end of october. And so right time. I had played it. You had not. You’re asking me questions. yes yes So i finally was able to get pendulum to the table And i i had an also very interesting experience with my first game of pendulum. That being. Because i happen to play as part of the twenty four hour game a thon for for extra life and happened to play at two thirty in the morning. Oh my gosh outer a full bay of gaming already. Yeah i appreciate you acknowledging your position on that josh. Yeah yeah so we we muddled through it in our sleep deprived states And and complete mental exhaustion. But you know. I have to agree with you in some respects on this game. Bruce i i really i want to play this with the With the unique player Abilities yes i. I think it will be a much better game in that but i struggle to identify who. I’m going to play with to get to that level of being able to play with with those unique player abilities. I think it’s a really really well designed game. I think it’s just got such a steep learning curve that it makes it kind of challenging to get it to the table that that’s just my experience with the with the game group. I have here Obviously you know game groups berry and that might not be the experience for everyone. But i definitely do think that that you could teach it. You could learn it with those unique player powers and i think it would be significantly better. I don’t know that for a fact. Because i didn’t get to play it with with that i will also say we played it with three players and i don’t play taylor i don’t. I don’t think i would play at two or three again. Yeah i definitely think this needs to be a four to five player game. Yup i agree. So i agree so i’m gonna continue on that trend but i’m glad you finally got it to the table. Josh grunted at two thirty in the morning nut less stable. But that’s good. So i’m gonna continue the nada stone meyer. Podcast trend Podcastone podcast but i picked up tapestry based game and they also picked up. The tapestry plans employees expansion. So tapestries a game that josh. I’ve talked about before on podcast because again podcast yet but with that we both played it. I didn’t have a copy because like you have a copy. Conrad is a copy. Just as a copy. Like everybody around me had a copy. So i was able to play it and i also played it at bg And so with that being said with. I wanted to try it out. I heard two player was really good. I’ve always played three and four and so borrowed conrad’s copy thank you conrad and played it with my wife and it was a really really fun experience you player. We decided to not go with shadow faction because it’s optional variant. So we just played to player and had an amazing time and did that in anticipation for the plans employees expansion. Coming out to see okay. Is this a game. I need in my collection because it has some things and the answer at the end of that play with my wife was yeah. It was a great light hearted game to play two player that filled our little way. Rosenberg niche of like. I want to fill out my little tetris board but not overbearing while still having the different tech trees and things like that and obviously it’s not really a four x game it’s a four x light style game and so but it was a lot of fun and so with that i was like you know what they’re doing the expansion. That’s coming out. Josh united both have talked about how we’re both stone champions on the website and so we get free shipping on things and he ran especial also for that base game and so going to put together.

00:10:03 – 00:15:02

And yes. I have that now to enjoy and i’m very much looking forward to the plans employs expansion ads in a couple of new base Factions ads in a bag to hold the tiles and then some different cards. Add into the tech tree and some buildings and stuff that add some more symmetric which i think will be good. You know i bruce i would have. You had a chance to play the clans employees at all. I haven’t yet. I have not the academic semester. Been a little much on me lately but unlike looking over winter break yes i will be. I look forward to hearing your view on it i was. I have not picked up the plans. Employees expansion yet Mainly because i- tapestry is one of those games that i got it. I played it twice. And then i hadn’t played it in about a year now. I recently got it back to the table and realized and i don’t know why i don’t get this out more really really. Enjoy that game a lot. So i may. I may end up picking up. The plans employs expansion. I plan to. I do have one minor. Gripe about the plans employees expansion. I think i know what it is but yeah go ahead so for listeners. Who aren’t familiar with tapestry There was some concerns over the balance of some of the player faction because there’s like sixteen of ’em yeah and so true to form Jamie meyer as he is done in a couple other games he he released them a Some modifications to view the player factions different. Starting resources starting with different victory points depending on the player count things like that. Exactly my issue is that he put out this expansion but didn’t allow for or didn’t include reprinted faction cards to flak those changes and it just seems to me like the such an oversight to just not have thrown in You know those. I think it’s eight or nine. Boards may be more The the it’s about the a rapid. And so i i just i. I’m frustrated that he. They have not printed those eras in and put those out in. The plans employs expansion. I hear you that an easy a here alone that lucien. It is easy. But i’m gonna give some grain of salt and that is that yes. This was play tested. A bunch and it was plausible. The base game came out anyway but the think just as with tapestry especially during a pandemic more people aren’t necessarily getting to play at a table. I bet we’re going to see some changes to different ones based on adding in the plans. Employees and i could see a reprint coming after that of like an upgrade pack. I could see that that could very well be. Yeah but yeah. You’re absolutely right. That’s a good morning by the way. So if you wanna play tapestry definitely gone so meyer website and look up the recommended. Starting faction things deafening. Do that josh. What’s one on the radar so or they picked up. Sorry yeah it’s not a matter another one that we picked up. Let’s shift gears a little bit here to another game that we have talked about quite a bit Bruce i think this is one of among your favorites and you convinced me to pick it up at as russia as one of my wife’s favorites i picked up a zule summer. Pavilion nice published by next. Move games and a zuelle is probably my wife’s second favorite game of all time the the residual and i think summer fulfil ian might have nine might’ve bumped originals will off. I now own all three school. I will probably keep all three of them okay They scratch itches. But are unique enough that i think i will keep them and i am going to have to agree with what i’ve heard. A lot of people say is that some are familiar is the best of the three. I really really enjoyed this game. A lot My wife and i have played it now three times since picked it up. We pick that up in october Because it came out Up denver we picked it up in september.

00:15:02 – 00:20:01

And yeah we really really are loving this copy edit version of little and and just kind of changes it up just enough i i really enjoyed. I’m glad and obviously the promise of the hey. I think it’s better doesn’t always pan out. But i’m glad i did. Because like when we think i’ve actually quoted below all this and it’s like from looking at some of the texts on like purchasing things like the promise of reward doesn’t guarantee happiness but no promise of any reward guarantees unhappiness so without the promise of reward. Well if you listen to the promise of reward. We give in to temptation but without it. There’s no motivation. But i’m glad that you both like it. I love it for the fact of. I think it’s got last hate drafting. I think it’s more pleasurable experience. And i absolutely love the random tile that is like wild every row see. I disagree br. I i see where you’re coming from with the less hate drafting. I do understand that a little bit however the those tiles that are in the center. Yeah that you can take when you complete sections of your board. Yeah those become ultra competitive one hundred percent. I just love that. So i think it just shifted the hate drafting a little bit too from the actual drafting to You know there. There’s a situation in one of our games where my wife explicitly took something from the middle of the board to deny my ability to complete one of my one of my stars shinzo. i think it’s just shifted. Where where the. Hey drafting occurs. That’s fair ev. It’s it’s it’s more indirect and it’s more of a common pool and it’s i think i think that little center part also adds in this little like almost like present moments like ou know like like lottery moments are like gambling moments of like ooh and put into dollar. Get a car for the dollar. get a car completed. The thing is it’s just like an extra nice little bonus for doing something right which is cool. But i’m glad you like it. Yeah yeah So i’ve got one that i’ve definitely not going to be playing for a while but i played it at. Bg con last year. It’s a game. I wanted to play since watching the show up. Sit down crash course on all of the different oink games because i love them because they’re just small little boxes and then they picked up startups which is a game where you are collecting sets of things. It’s like you’re owning stocks in different companies to hopefully that they will pay out for you but the game plays in about twenty minutes but you can play it with like six players and i picked it up. This falls into the what the hell what the hell kind of effect of already blew my diet. And i’m going to talk about that in a second. What i mean by this. Because there’s a game. I was looking for but it was also like twelve bucks and the reason i say it was like what the hell effect is. Because the reason i went on miniature market and purchasing things is because a game. I knows a two firm giving you right now. Josh a game that. I was literally searching for since last october for a year to the day. Almost was blitzkrieg World war world game in a world war game twenty minutes. It’s a two player. Game that was on kickstarter that went to production and got some super rave reviews by Like secret ball. And then rodney smith when not on watch. It played because he doesn’t do reviews on watch. Played a great two player game. They can play in twenty minutes and it was sold out worldwide. Contacted the company to no response and then all of a sudden boom. It popped up in august on major market. So it’s like. I immediately went on like i am buying this thing right now. And so what the hell effect was hey. Startups was a lot of fun and so it was only twelve bucks. So i was in an opportunity where i could afford to do that. Yeah blitzkrieg. I am freaking looking forward to playing that to player. My wife doesn’t really play wargames. But i’m going to be playing this to player as fast as i can. Yeah that’s a blitzkrieg is definitely an interesting looking. Game i would. I really enjoy getting to the table at some point Definitely would would love to get give this a shot As a two player with you some point breeze whenever we are able to travel again and make a texas road trip to hang out and play some games. Yeah it falls into that bucket.

00:20:01 – 00:25:02

The you and i’ve talked about of you. And i just really enjoy when we get to play together and play like these like abstract two player games like no one else. Plays a specially like war games or things like that so yeah blitzkrieg. I recommend you look it up. And they didn’t give any details on it. Because i haven’t played it yet but it it is where one person is access. One person is allies and you simply lay a little token on a board to try and control different theaters of war But again review will be coming good. There’s no way. I’m not doing a on that but yeah so. I’m really excited about that. But i also throw in there. The what the hell effect. That is the thing that you need to be cautious about when purchasing. So bruce. Let me ask you mentioned it was a miniature market order and so i know for me personally. The what the hell effect comes into a on miniature market more often than other places when i have ordered a sixty dollar game and shipping is going to be twenty dollars and there’s another game so why not pay forty is forty dollars and so why not pay for the and avoid the shipping cost. Yeah instead of and then for me. I’ve had like shipping costs. Like it’s gonna be seven dollars but it’s like i’m gonna hit that ninety nine. That’s the thing josh. Yeah so yeah. If you think about us a blitzkrieg was like twenty seven bucks guy I think that’s what i paid for. It was like somewhere around there. And then startups yeah. I’m definitely nowhere near but didn’t really have to worry about that. Josh desire Had some war hammer forty k. On hold of course she did. Yeah of course they did because it was summertime line and you and i texted about that and we’ll talk about war hammer in a minute but yeah the what the hell affect definitely plays in into that same thing with like the. Buy two get one. Buy one get one free by to get one free or it’s like if you went into only by one thing all of a sudden you’re buying two things so yes you’re getting more things but they tricked you into spending more money than originally planned on absolutely and i will say. Miniature market has got me hook line and sinker on that. Yeah in fact Another game that. I picked up a part of part of the miniature market order that included a zule Actually i added Zule summer pavilion to get me above the march. I wanted it anyway. I did it for one hundred dollars for board games. So i went ahead and added on there but the main reason i ordered Off of miniature market was for takeda. New so for listeners. Who aren’t aware of the what has become affectionately known as the tea series of games To kane is the third installment in that All designed by daniel to chigney Started with zolkin the mayan calendar Was then tayo walk in Which was a another game based on Mayan civilizations Two new is the third in this line and this is actually on a about egyptian. Ancient egyptians of liz asians And so all of all three of these games are based around the idea of building monuments to the gods and worshiping the gods in these ancient civilizations And i have to say each one of them similar to will I own all three. I love all three will keep all three and would play any of the three at any point in time. I need to play this one. Anita play all of them. You really do. I think you would love all three of these games. There absolutely fantastic designs their on the heavier end zolkin less so than the other two. I will say that zolkin is probably the lightest and probably still the best design neca by that definitely does not take away from how good tayo and to k new are But decay new. As soon as it was announced. I knew that i was going to be ordering it. The second it came out And so was was on top of it.

00:25:02 – 00:30:07

As soon as it came out it was in my miniature market car. And then i was just adding things up to get to to get it out to get to the ninety nine for the free shipping free shipping. I need i need to play this one. I haven’t played the other. Two and new. And i are going to schedule a time to play on board game arena to play zolkin but i need to play the caney because of the egyptian thing. ’cause like i lived in outside of cairo for a while and so like anything egypt’s usually a fan of and at least is searching it. It is. There are some really really one of the things that i love about. All three of these games are the way in which daniel ashini takes these very tried and true mechanisms and tweaks them just a little bit And makes them very very unique and he plays with time in really interesting way Especially i think zolkin is kind of the highlight of that playing with time as strategy But i think to canaan also has a lot of that feeling dumb so i think you would love this. I highly highly recommend it. I’ve only got a chance to play at once. But i cannot wait to get it back to the table. Okay sweet well. I’m looking forward to it Well i gave to josh. How about you even more absent. I’ll jump back over so my next one that i wanted to bring up here Finally came in after delay after delay. Delay yes kickstarter. A game that we’ve talked about finally had a chance to play it on earth and and and now have played it in person and that is raccoon tycoon Specifically i was backed the kickstarter for the fat cat expansion slash. Deluxe edition is a big box. It is a very big box and well worth it. Hit is An excellent excellent game have not had a chance to play with with any of the expansion stuff yet. Really looking forward to it. It is this is going on to My new ten by five for the next year. And so we’re definitely going to be getting some of those expansions out an playing with them and trying out the different modular things that come with that expansion sweet and just to clarify ten games that you play five times right. Yes yup with your game group. That’s cool so what do you. What’d you like about it. Just real quick. I’m curious now that you’ve played it in person. So i have to say i absolutely so the one downside is the paper money Just got a call it. I like making it rain with it. they were. It’s got like a plastic paper money. I’ve grown fond of that paper. Money will say that. So i actually have not played with the paper money because i have to thank you bruce for the the wedding present you gave me. Which was the iron claes so yeah. That’d be pretty legit almost any game. Currently that requires money. I no longer play with the coins that are given unless they are metal. Bust out the iron clays. I’m glad you’re getting use out of out of your gift. I’m glad i absolutely am i. I really enjoy raccoon. Tycoon i to me. It is the epitome of an economics. Game it is very very straightforward in terms of what you are doing but The fact that that you’re going into auctions blind for the most part It’s it’s just got some really really fun. Game play in there and some really cool strategy. That i will say. I don’t think it’s got a lot of variability. You’re i think you’re right. That’s why i’m excited to try. The expansion that is that is one thing that i’m looking forward to in the expansion is having a little bit more vary ability but i do think that you know just based off of when the buildings come out and the different strategies that you can develop based off the buildings that are available to you. I think there’s some really really fun gameplay in there on i’m really looking forward to playing some more of it enjoy it So i have a quick update of This way faster.

00:30:07 – 00:35:03

I didn’t buy these and all but this got here way faster than i anticipated. In that is this year again. I am participating in the. Bg secret santa. This year my saint. My target is not in chile. So if you’re not familiar with the bg secret santa. It’s essentially you sign up to purchase at least fifty dollars including shipping things like that of game accessories things like games are games accessories things like that for someone in the world and you can pick which countries you’re wanting to ship to or because like last year i was like yeah anywhere in the world. Throw it at me and chile was hard. So i did my time last year. And so this year. I just stuck to the united states and so my persons in milwaukee. But i don’t know where in the world my santa is and you can be of any religion or non religion to do. this is just. They’re using the terminology for the holidays. And it’s really just the spirit of giving to somebody else in the hobby. It’s kind of like asan’s you get a target and then you’re somebody else’s target and so they went through my wishlist and got me to expansions that. I’m excited to try and play. So the first one was the size win. Gambit again from sonar games again not a stone. Meyer podcast but i also got the memoir forty four eastern front. I’m very excited about both of these. I’ve been wanting to try win. Gamut gambit i’ve played a lot of saif an online lately the pandemic and i’ve been wanting to get to the table more and i’ve heard that the wind gamut also really helps when playing like two player and things like that and so i’m really excited to try that and then memoir forty four eastern front. This expansion is one of several. They’ve been out of print for a long time and super expensive. Just started coming back into print by rio grande. And it’s for the base game memoir forty four which is a two player game. Kind of like blitzkrieg wargame but you actually have like little things. Miniatures that are going back and forth. You play cards to activate them and Justin an i last year played through all sixteen scenarios twice so we both access in both allies every single map so we played the entire base game. And this is going to add in now the soviet patrons as i’m really excited so thank you secret. Santa if you’re listening to this. I’m really excited for those. So i am a little confused. Here bruce have you really never played side with the wind gambit. No i haven’t. I know it’s these wild to me i now. I think it’s only i. It’s going to say it’s only twice that it was set up at a game night with it because it’s adds more things so you definitely need to understand side before you start getting into the wind gambit. It would be very difficult. I think to learn when gambit Boy knowing the basics. Oh yeah but it is. It is exceptional. I really really enjoy when gambit. I do think that you are correct. It is almost required if you’re playing with in my opinion if you’re playing with three people i it’s required four arguably you need to play with with Four players just because it. It really does a good job of shrinking. The board a little bit due and creating a little bit more competition for Resources just because you’re to move things around a little bit more quickly discernible to get into the action faster. Yes so rather than having to wait until you get a mind or wait until you get a river walk Year able to right out of the gate move your characters across water and get out into the territories much faster so really really. Enjoy that So i’m really excited for you to get a chance to play that one as well. Thanks yeah. I’m really excited to see you got an expansion. I do have an expansion caveat here once again. We are not so admire podcasts. This actually as we’re recording. This arrived yesterday and i played it last night. My wife and that is a wingspan.

00:35:03 – 00:40:01

The oceanic expansion. And so i mentioned zule is my wife’s second favorite game Wings ban is hands down her favourite and so as soon as we got it in It was my wife’s birthday the day that we got it in overtime. He we perfect timing. We had to sit down and play for her birthday I really enjoyed the expansion. I think there’s some really really neat little additions that came with it. I will say that the expansion is probably going to make some people quite angry. Oh no so expensive us to be the most relaxing game it is and it is a very marvelously relaxing game and the birds that they add. Because it’s oceana. They are absolutely beautiful and stunning and the artwork is wonderful. The thing that is going to frustrate some people is a while back stone myer Released as an add on in their store some neoprene matt’s to replace the cardboard mats that are used for your player boards and with this expansion it actually ships with five new player boards with some new design on them so the background art is different and i think the background art is beautiful The reason why there’s this change is this expansion adds a new resource and that resource is nectar and nectar acts a little bit differently and so rather than placing spend nectar rather than placing it back into the Into the birdhouse apply. The you are actually put keeping it on your board And you’re going to add those op. And whoever spent the most nectar in each of your three territories is going to score some extra points at the end of the game interesting. It also modified some of the ways in which you add resources to your board so for example you now have the opportunity on two of the four spaces for collecting birds rather than just paying a resource to get. Draw an extra bird card. You can actually pay a resource to wipe the three board birds that are face up and get new ones to choose from. That’s for to guam and so added some really cool little mechanical changes that i really enjoy. Think addle lot of depth to the game. Make it a little bit more replaceable. For the people who have gotten a little use to playing things without just adding more obviously adding more birds. and that’s always lovely and wonderful but Ads this this kind of some unique new ways to kind of engage with the game but definitely understand for the people who went out and paid twenty five dollars for those neoprene mats. And now they’re getting new matt designs. Not neoprene i could see where people might be a little bit frustrated by that survey question just to counter to clarify The new mats. Can you play them with the if you weren’t playing with oceana No okay so. That’s actually i guess. Yeah you probably could you could absolutely. I’d have to double check and take a look at him again but your gut and selling you. Yes my gut is telling me you probably could play them without the oceanic expansion. You’re just not going to have that. I guess you could use the nectar And not play with the oceanic expansion. The reason i ask is. Because i feel like wingspan is starting to fall into the tariff warring mars camp where the expansions with all of the cards. Which like. there’s no way. I’m not buying this. I’ll get into that in the second or getting it as a holiday present because it’s on the lists potentially yes it is. We’re probably going to talk about that in the next episode. But i don’t really want to sift through the giant of cards and separate out again. So i will say personally. Yeah i don’t i all of my together. I sift them out. I don’t separate them All of them are shuffled in the thing. I like about the way they are doing.

00:40:01 – 00:45:12

These expansions is adding new things for a experience players without adding an overwhelming addition of complexity Now with tear forming mars the challenge there is the expansions. Do add a lot of complexity. Yeah i agree. I’m just talking to the main deck. Yeah i it is hard to teach some of those expansions. Yeah i think with wingspan. I think it’s very very simple to teach the expansion to a new player Oceana is a little bit more difficult than the european expansion for sure but outside of that new resource. There’s not a whole lot that got added. There is a new type of card and that is a birds that have an end of game ability. Who thus nice Which are pretty cool. Usually it’s about laying eggs. You get one last like big dump at the game Which is really nice. But yeah you know i. I don’t think there’s so much. I i taught So so for my wife’s birthday. She invited one of her coworkers over to to play some games with us because they’re working together and and that was just kind of what she wanted to do. And so that person had never played wingspan before really doesn’t play board games at all and i was able to teach them and they were able to pick up very easily and play without any issues. Us grant actually ended up winning and beating the high score of anyone who’s played my saying. Thanks so i really. I don’t think you need to separate them out in order to teach the game ten players. Okay very cool. Well thank you josh. Now joss a really only got one thing left. I know you have questions for me. Absolutely i’m scared. Toss it back to you. So bruce what have you been spending all of your money. Yeah your savings. No now i have not. I haven’t found anything out of savings. I have been responsible. I have and as i’ve talked about on the last episode when we talked about sunk cost. I’ve been buying a good number of war. Hammer forty k. I’ve never really played war hammer forty k. I have some buddies through. Bg that i’m absolutely going to play with and cannot wait to play with once it is safe to travel and do so but yeah i have. I essentially have purchase. So if you’re not familiar with warrior forty gay tabletop. Miniatures game produced by games workshop. You can buy. There’s forty k. And there’s age of sigmar. Age of sigmar is all like wizards and orcs and things like that like traditional fantasy high fantasy where forty a still has orcs and things like that but it’s all in the grim dark future the year forty thousand right and so it’s like all sci fi themed and so i have you pick a race or faction that you enjoy. Go at the rule of cool not dry two min max of which faction is the best one most competitive trying to play. What’s called the meta. Don’t don’t do that because then you’re going to burn out By things that just make you happy and then learn from their learned. Learn how to play a game. I learn about this hobby because this is a separate hobby. Josh it’s a hobby within a hobby and that is because you collect them you then have to assemble them because they do not come assembled they come on these sheets of plastic called spruce and so actually clip them out with little plier players but snippers. I filed down like the mold lines on these plastic. I glue them together. And then you paint them because they’re all just generic gray and you actually have to have what’s called the battle for army to play. They don’t have to get victory points for having it so you pretty much have to because you will lose if you don’t and then you can play with it if you want. I have never played. But i’ve invested a considerable number of dollars into this so i chose the towel army. Which is this their creed is for the for the greater good and they’re quote unquote the good guys try and take planet over by diplomacy first but if that doesn’t work there one of the strongest shooting factions in the game but they just can’t really do well at melee but they have.

00:45:12 – 00:50:03

I like them. Because it’s like max and these really cool just like units. And so i have you each unit and like gun on them Is worth different numbers of points and so like kill team game. Josh which you. And i are gonna play at some point Kill team team can be like one hundred points. Two hundred points tops usually thank. I haven’t played guilty. I have the book by the way i easily have. Two thousand point. Army of tau. And i also have the book and the codex which is just so you by the codex was teaches you about that one faction and then on top of that. I want to play it on a cool table. And so i also purchase games workshop’s terrain so i’ve got what’s called the manufactory terrain which is like these like abandoned buildings destroyed buildings and like pipes and Thermo conductor things. So that way we’re going to be able to actually to scale play in these different like worlds even like shipping containers and stuff and now all the shipping containers by the way have stats and stuff. Because you can. They can do cool things as well as buildings before i go any further daas. What’s going on your head. So yeah. I mean the first thing that i have to ask you hear bruce is so with all of what your purchasing. How how much have you gotten completed. Obviously the terrains. You just got in so. I don’t expect that you’ve accomplished a whole lot there. But out of your out of your army What what percentage of your purchase has been built. And what percentage has been painted greg questions so i’m looking at them right now to give me one second so i have a. I have a non tau sniper team. They’re good to go But for tau have one two three four five six seven eight nine. I have nine units and one. Two three four five are fully painted. One is fully assembled. So i have three more to go and i have two. That are half assembled because there was kind of like floating standing. So i have to kind of piecemeal. The other one is assembled. And then i need to spray paint it private. Paint it because it’s one of those ones. It’s going to be easier to paint. If it’s disassembled so i have only like one thing that’s still in. Its box of the of my army. That’s that’s i have to say. That’s pretty good. And i commend you on not overreaching your purchases and staying consistent with your with what with what you’re doing. Yeah have been and that’s been really good and it’s four lease and josh. We we talked about this a little bit in the last episode. And i i think it’s very easy to give people a hard time about getting into a game like war hammer especially when they’re not really playing it but i think that this is kind of an exception The the the world that we’re living in right now when you’re not really playing games with other people it a piece of a hobby. That is a little cathartic a little Ability for you. It carries with the ability to and have geek out a little bit by yourself and and accomplish something that i think will ultimately pay off When you when you get a chance to play some of this. Yeah and i thank you for saying that josh. I mean there’s memes all over the place of like the typical war hammer player. Like your army. You have so many units unpainted and things like that. now i will say few tiles Who we talked about in the last episode did actually life. He’s one of the people are going to be playing this with lives here in texas right And he said that he is unique because he doesn’t show up some place without having his army painted because he paints td builds them paint some and he says he’s rare.

00:50:04 – 00:55:02

And i think i’m of the same school of thought of him as yeah like. I’m just going to play the game not to be competitive. I’m going to play the game. Just have fun but honestly the rest of the hobby is really bucket filling for me. And i think it’s important that we talk about this josh and we didn’t really get into it too much in the last episode. But that is. Because i needed to redefine why i was even purchasing it because it wasn’t purchasing it like i would purchase a board game to play. Don’t get me wrong gonna play. I’m going to probably have a blast. But i really purchased it too because of these other things and it’s filling my bucket and so he started small started with one set of one unit. Which is like squad the squad of the five snipers i started with that i bought. I spent twenty four bucks already had paint and stuff. And so i did that. And i freaking loved it then. I changed my definition of why i wanted to do it. Yeah i guess. I think it’s i think you’re going about it the right way and i. I really appreciate the way that you’re you’re doing this. It’s something that i for for listeners. Who’ve been with us for a long time they may remember that Two years ago. I actually picked up and bruce gave me a hard time about it at the time picked up some and then some more hammer Expecting to paint. And i never really got into it As much as i really enjoyed it for about a month and a half. I completed about half of a lot of and and then i kinda fell off but i’d really like to get back into it. I’ve really liked to give it a shot I think that were getting ready. My town is starting to see our arise again. And we’re probably going to be going back into lockdown before too long and so maybe who knows maybe maybe it back out and start start doing some painting myself and i hope you do josh and i hope you’ve got the units you’ve got the paint and so i hope it’s a nice little activity and to answer your question about the terrain. It’s almost all built already. Oh wow yeah doesn’t take much time. No i sent you a text message two days ago with a picture of it. Yeah so i built. I built the containers. I talked about the other small box. And then i started building the giant box and i just need to be transparent with something and that is that. Apparently this is rare. But it does happen. I encountered what’s called the miscast and so some of my pieces the at the manufacturing not all the plastic one in and so. It’s it was missing some plastic. But everyone i’ve talked to online was like super affirming of like you reach out to games workshop. And they take care of you. And so i put that in. They obviously have higher than expected. Wait right now with things with the the nature of all only email communication and their employees are all remote right now with the pandemic over there. So i will hear back from them and so yeah do. That is one caveat on the whole thing. That’s why it’s not all built by the way. So i do have one final question for you as it relates to to not so much Forty k. but war hammer in general. Yeah how likely is it. That i could talk you into getting your heads in my hand. Some warcry worker. I yeah High fantasy yes so were cry is basically the age of sigmar version of kilty okay. I’ve heard it’s better than guilty. I’ve heard it’s been guilty. And i’ll be honest assessment on my mind for like a month and the likelihood is high likelihood it high. I just need to get to a time. We’re currently as hammered recording. This is the end of the semester for for us. I’m currently at a time. Like i just need a little breathing room so i could do my research. That’s fair. that’s totally the likelihood on. That is very high josh. So and you’re even if you’re the only person i play it with. I would do it. Because i i also enjoy the hobby element. Obviously absolutely i. I’ve just been floating around the games workshop. Website here while we’ve been talking and Really really wanna try.

00:55:02 – 01:00:04

Try playing a little bit of this. A cry here okay. So i’m just gonna put this out there josh. You do your homework if you find a good video explaining it. Because i think there are some differences between it and kill team that i think would be important for us to know you shoot me a text message with that and we can talk about what ends up happening so listeners. Stay tuned for that. We’re not gonna talk about these josh. But i think we have on our list and we covered like everything else on the list. So let’s just cover real quick. what do you have. What did you purchase. That is on its way or trade. That’s on its way. What’s one thing all right well purchase. I mean i’ve got about seven kick starters tablet or we’re not talking kicks. Nothing no i did. I recently jumped online Two bg to to actually get my secret. Santa and found That that there’s actually someone who requested a trade with me They’re into the denver area so only about an hour and a half away from me. So was interested in in my copy of the godfather which i love the godfather. But it doesn’t get played enough and they’re actually offering a copy of clans of caledonia and new bruce. You just released a video talking. That was inspired by clans caledonia. I have played it. Wants really enjoyed it. I think you’ll get a lot more play than the godfather and so trying to figure it out. See if we can make it happen Don’t wanna pay the shipping costs for a single game trade but if weekend local and you know make a trip up to denver and and do a quick swap then. I’m happy to do that. And looking forward to it. Okay and i would absolutely play that. I’m very curious to play it in person because i’ve only played it on board game marina. But that’s great that someone reach out to you so yeah you don’t have to buy something by the way all you can. Just look on board game geek dot com and see if people have things for trade like utilize resources absolutely but that being said the one game that i absolutely pre-ordered is going to be probably of no surprise if you’ve been looking at the youtube channel at all but i preordered dune imperium from dire wolf digital but it is a print board game and should be arriving here next month and the preorder if you pre-order it from them even though they’re encouraging it to go to purchase order it from make your local game store priore from them or a local game store essentially preorder in general. And you’ll get a special promo card jessica lady of iraqis. If you’ve read the dune books. That means something to you if you have not read them. It’s another cool card to add to the game. And so yeah. I’m really excited for this. I cannot wait to check out the two player as well as the solo mode. Because there’s nothing online about that. ’cause rodney smith doesn’t do those so i’ll be checking those out so you can stay tuned for a Definitely gonna be a review of that. Absolutely going to be a review of that josh closing words for the listeners. On this whole like purchasing thing. Yeah you know. I think for for me i. I know that i am lucky and privileged to be able to gain a hobby. That is not just playing. Games is not just become my my main hobby. It is the focus but at the end of the day. I also just love games. And so i make a lot of purchases and i’m i’m fortunate enough to be in a position where i can do that You know. I do a lot of research before i purchase things though as well and so i i try to only purchase things that i know are gonna make it to the table at some point. I strongly recommend you know live within your means. No your budget set a budget. That was a huge thing for me early. On when i started was i spent way too much money out the gate onboard games And budget appropriately. And i figured out you know. I have a budget and i stick within it but it is something that i love and it’s something that brings me joy and it brings me happiness just to know that game is coming right even even kickstarter right there are. I know that there are games. That are on their way to me That are currently sailing across the ocean. And i am so excited about that fact And it just brings me so much comfort in a time that i think we all need a little comfort and i think that’s beautifully said josh and i’m right there with you. Definitely at the beginning of my time in the hobby was acquiring at a rate.

01:00:04 – 01:03:49

That was not sustainable. And acquiring things to acquire things There’s a thing especially important wanting to bring up for the listeners. Just think terror management theory with with purchasing and that studies show that being reminded of our own mortality makes us more susceptible to all sorts of temptations. Because you look for hope in insecurity in the things that might promises some short term relief reward and we need also understand if you go back to. The dune imperium preorder video that i made. I talked about the fact that the when you measure brainwaves the part of your brain that activates in anticipation of something is different than the one of actually getting it And the anticipation one releases more dopamine into our brains And so with that we just wanna make sure. We’re not just being susceptible to a feeling in the moment. So josh the fact that he talked about we do a lot of research like you and i we do. We consume a lot of content. That’s part of why we do this. Podcast right is to help make informed decisions help. Other people make informed decisions and also like connect with each other and like. How are you making decisions. What are you seeing that those are good. Conversations are for all of us to be having. So i also encourage you to look at your game network. Because sometimes i talked about with tapestry. There was a time where it was a good game but people in my game group already had it. And so if you’re in a situation where you’re able to share games things like that and you’re not in a place financially. Get them yourselves. And that’s fine but utilize your network like we’re all here. We’re all in this together and really just analyze like why are you wanting to get it and if the answer is just to get it and you have the means go ahead but if the answer is is not that and it’s actually something because i want these outcome because it’s a thin by means because it’s going to In doing my research is going to accomplish. I think it’s going to accomplish these things for my wife. And i my husband and i By group before with my kids I think you’re gonna find a lot more joy out of an satisfaction out of those purchases. Now it’s not always going to work. I think you’re going to have find a lot more satisfaction. And i think that will go a long way. Yeah absolutely so with that josh. Sorry just kind of went on a thing there so. I hope that this has been helpful. We both hope this has been helpful for you and your gaming group and if it has if if you’ve enjoyed this conversation make sure to hit subscribe on whatever podcast platform you’re listening to this on But do you do this a really big favor as we just had the thanksgiving holiday and share. Thanks so we’d love to hear from you. Please write a review. That super helps let us know eight. You’re listening and be what you like and also helps discover Helps other people discover it so that way they can have these kind of informed conversations and content But we hope that you were doing well and if you please go. Check out the Youtube page check us out on all the social media. And if you want some more behind the scenes type things. I am posting some content over on the patriots on for game P dot com court again impact. And so yeah so with that. We’re going to bring this episode to close. We’ll see you again in two weeks and until then go have a positive impact on the world.