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Episode 45 – Dune Imperium Pre-Order & Aesthetic Value

In this episode Bruce was inspired by the design of the Dune Imperium pre-order and conversation from the epistemology video/podcast episode to shed more light on aspects of aesthetic value. This premiered first on the Board Game Impact YouTube page, but the content transfers well to the audio format. The reason for this different kind of episode is because of the life happenings that occurred for Bruce which he discusses at the intro, and thanks you for understanding. We hope you get excited for this different type of content over on the YouTube page and would love to hear from you about your thoughts/ideas!

Specific Game Discussed:

  • Dune Imperium (Dire Wolf Digital)

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Audio Transcription (Generated by AI)

00:00:12 – 00:05:10

How everybody in this episode. Bruce is going to talk about the dune imperium preorder and aesthetic value stay tuned. Well how do you everybody. This is bruce with board game impact. It’s just me today if you listen to last week’s episode then you know kind of what’s up but if this is your first episode. Welcome this one’s going to be a little different than normal podcast episodes but that being said what we do over here. Impact is josh. I both work fulltime in higher education. I also teach some classes of the university. And i’m getting peachy and so what we’re doing. Is we apply our educational lenses to the game experiences and games we playing and the game content we are consuming too then analyze it for your benefit and present that back to you for you and your gaming group so hopefully you can make informed choices about your experiences in the hobby and so with that being said this twenty twenty s been just weird for everybody. Let’s just put it that way. And if you’re listening to this in the future this is coming out at the beginning of november and we’re still in the midst of the pandemic and also now all the election stuff so yes just look back on this with a grain of salt. And so what’s going on to is as i talked about last week’s intro i. We’ve josh and i both had some things. I was sick for a while. As well as i just had a family member pass in these last two weeks so i’ve been pulled away for family things which made scheduling regular episodes with a little difficult. And i thank you for understanding that. But that being said i have also had moments of inspiration and it’s been this one of these cathartic releases of doing these things to do something uplifting while also attending all these family things which you can imagine having these spurts of emotion and feelings both that being said last week so it talked about What’s called the what is knowledge and it was a crash course based on some conversations. I encourage you to go. Listen to that one. But as i mentioned i was going to be doing is this one is all about the dune imperium preorder and this actually stems from conversations in the youtube comments for that last episode so the youtube video for the last episode actually came first and then there was some conversation. Hey lean into this thing on value a little bit more. We’d like that. And i have many more ideas of different types of content of essentially combining my phd work. As well as the sport game content and trying to mash that up and present that back of cure some lessons and so. I’ve got some really cool things. I’m working on but to be one hundred percent transparent. The feedback for these videos has been nothing but the most reward one of the most rewarding things i’ve done don’t get me wrong. I absolutely love recording. This podcast with josh. And i look forward to it. But that being said having this intersection of a oneness between the content we’re creating the within the board game world being the poll in even more of like the nerdy things. I do have like looking things up in the library. And finding scholarly references and presenting that back and teaching. Because that’s a very normal thing for me to do is teach is really rewarding and these videos are getting crazy crazy views. And so if you’ve watched it thank you so much and if this all sounds interesting to you make sure to subscribe here now. The podcasts can be a little different times but absolutely make sure to go on over and subscribe to the youtube page. Board game impact. Just search that says board game impact desperate brown. But you’ll see has our logo same as a podcast. Everything but you can also funded over on the facebook page. Of course i’ll make announcements about new videos. And i encourage you to engage in the dialogue and so one of the things have been doing every comment. I’ve been getting over on the bg page. Because the dune imperium video is listed as a video for dune imperium which is wonderful and so encourage you to participate and so on those comments having this really cool dialogues. And if you’re someone. I’ve talked to over there. Thank you because it’s been so uplifting for me in all of this and also just this contents been really empowering to make and it’s been really really rewarding to hear this feedback so absolutely in one way or another. I’m going to be continuing to do those things and spoiler alert. i already have the next one scripted. And that’s going to be about loss aversion so the power of losing things and that’s influenced by my recent plays of clans of caledonia.

00:05:10 – 00:10:12

And so i’m going to be getting into loss. Aversion is and how that can affect our psychology. And i’m also gonna pull in some lessons from jeopardy because there’s some really cool research on jeopardy. This episodes all about digging into the in digging into value from the lens. And inspiration of the dune imperium preorder and so in the way they structure that so by no means everything about aesthetic value nor axiology the study of values but it is a really really cool starting place and this was really empowering and so if you’re somebody who likes the content we’ve been doing in one way shape or form. I really encourage you to stay tuned through the rest of this episode. But if you want to see the presentation. I’m just going over to youtube page and you can watch it there but either way we just want to encourage you to go over consume the content and we really think that making this content is really helping make a positive impact on the world by using our experiences and our lenses and so with that. I’m going to turn it over to myself. And i hope you enjoy how everybody. It’s bruce with board game impact in this video. We’re going to be looking into dune imperium. Which is the latest board game from dire wolf and it has to do with the new movie. That’s coming out or we’re supposed to come out. But as now coming out next year. And of course the classic novels by frank frank herbert so with that being said the reason making this videos because as of the time of this recording the preorders just launched and i saw something really cool going on with this preorder and it kind of gave a really cool opportunity to lean into more of some of this content. I’ve been making on more of the philosophy behind things the educational epistemological underpinnings. Yeah that’s words as well as some more things from my phd work and consulting work and my teaching work board impact. We take our educational lenses and apply that to the games and experiences. We’re having a podcast with my buddy josh but more recently started making some content on here and have been really engaging with you in the comment section about these videos about philosophical things leadership things. And it’s been really rewarding. So when i saw this today couldn’t help but to make another video and this goes so in particular this is going to be looking at aesthetics and value. So why do i have this background. So i work fulltime and higher education. It’s leadership classes. And completing a phd in human resource development so organization consulting almost aerial have a year left of cross work. So thankful but in this one we’re really going to be looking at is doing work that’s doing research and with that we have to understand our own position -ality as well as the position of our subjects or participants for our work because unlike some other aspects of science this is social science so people are involved and that’s really really important and so with this and with what i was seeing with dire wolf. This is a perfect case study. Let’s dig on okay so again. We’re going to be covering axial. Act the axial logical aesthetics. Particularly with the dune imperium preorder by dire wolf. And so where. This all begins is pretty cool. So it’s the game is dune imperium and so this is the board game so it is a beautiful gets a beautiful on the second. A new worker placement deck building game from dire wolf in which you are on the planet in the orbit of the planet of iraq is better known as dune. And you’re going to be taking on one of the noble houses for noble houses trying to compete to win favors and things like that. Do have control over the planet which is the only planet in the dune universe that makes this thing called spice. That is how you are able to do in her stellar travel as well as many other things including pre cognition which is pretty sweet but the preorder that was launched. There’s a couple cool things going on so you can get just the base game which is fun. You can also get the upgrade pack which replaces if you notice scott all these. Like wooden tokens on the board. Not the ones in the supply but the ones on the board of whatever what’s called an agent you have the men tat you have these little cardboard disks at the top of each of those tracks and these plastic pieces in the front. Replace those discs. The colored pieces replaced the little cubes. And then the ones in the back. Replace your agents as well as there’s a nice sand worm first player marker and then of course you do require require the base game to play this but many times when we have kickstarter other games coming out.

00:10:12 – 00:15:08

There’s only the deluxe edition right or the old version. It’s kind of rare. And i haven’t seen it too much where you have. Here’s the base game. And then here’s an upgrade kit. Which i theoretically doesn’t change gameplay it just changes your components and if you want to you can add this on so it’s not one or the other it’s one and then you can add on the other as you so choose which is kind of new and kind of inspired the video that being said there’s another layer of this. You can bundle it all together if you want to and have everything so you can have the base game as well. As the upgrade kit loves it the upgrade kit takes up like double the with but then the bottom right if you notice you can also with either of those get card sleeves because this is a deck building game has deck building components and with that a lot of people enjoy to have the card sleeved. Because they’re going to get more use right and so you can choose to different things you can choose the bottom on. Which is the normal card back. Look of the planet erectus which is doing or the sand worm pop out which is from one of the cards in the game so you can choose to do that too so again. You can get just the base game. You can get the base game and upgrade kit. You can get the base game upgrade kit and either one of these you can choose in addition just as a quick note offered to all these photos are from the dire wolf dire wolf website but if you pre ordered the game from them or your friendly local game store you can also get a promo card. So they’re doing that too. So if you preordered the game you can get the jessica jessica of iraq iraqis promo card and if you know anything about the story you know the significance of that if not it’s just another card. Okay so where does all this come in. So first of all axiology axiology is the study of nature value and valuation and the kinds of things that are valuable whereas aesthetic value which aesthetics is part of axiology axiology also has ethics morals but aesthetics is another part of that which is what makes an object have worth or being worth having worth of perception to be contemplated or otherwise appreciated for its own sake and so essentially what is right versus wrong good versus bad beautiful verse ugly etc okay. So now my position -ality if you’ve watched the last video i just did on pissed them logical crash. Course you will know that position analogy is important. It’s important to understand where we play the different experiences. All those things. So have i ever played dune imperium. No have i seen it in person. No i haven’t. I’ve only consumed content. I’ll share what content that is later but other things. I was looking forward to the movie. I saw the old movie fix came out in like the seventies eighties is bad but it’s fun But i just finished reading dune. So i’d never read it and if you listen to the podcast on episode forty two you know. We talked about some of the books for reading. And so i completed this book in anticipation of the movie because a brand new movie coming out it was supposed to come out. This december twenty twenty. It’s now been delayed. Talked to over. Twenty twenty one. Sorry if i’m the one letting you know about that news. Sorry it looks awesome. And so i thought why not read the source materials like sixty years old. Plus and but it’s was a notable classic. That’s sold and i read this. I really enjoyed it. I just finished it about a week and a half ago. Other things though. I’m also reading now. Book to um so dune messiah and so it’s important to understand that i have invested time into this but make that decision of what you will right. Okay so i. It’s important to talk about this ideal aesthetic observer so in the past video there are some comments about like should we even have reviews. Yes we should but we should consume more content things like that. The reason for it is back in the day way back. In the day. I’m talking like immanuel kant like eighteen before the eighteen hundreds timeframe like longtime ago. There was this idea of trying to find the ideal aesthetic observer. Reasonable person standard is a better way to put that if you’re more into law and what this means is that it’s a proposal that there’s a true standard quote unquote taste and beauty and that their true that this ideal observer could be a true judge and it has to be somebody who’s highly developed sensibilities right and according to hume.

00:15:08 – 00:20:01

They have a strong sense of a united and delicate sentiment. Improve practice perfected comparison. And they’re clear of all prejudice. Okay simply doesn’t exist so a lot of stuff has come out like that’s that’s not a thing and so the important part is we need to understand for ourselves. What is making us have an interpretation of value in the content. We consume so. That’s what’s really important here. And that comes from rigel. Fifteen way okay. So there’s two ways. I’m going to break this down. So there’s subjective est which does it have value because it is desired versus the object of which is desired because it has a value. Now you might be thinking that’s chicken or the egg but it can be fundamentally important. And so what i’m gonna do now. I’m going to break this whole dune. Imperium thing down into subjective est and then we’ll probably a lot more on objective est and then we’re gonna finally circle back with some things that we can do and some considerations that i would leave for you and if you want to learn more about this game i’m gonna point you into some directions so you can make your own value based judgments okay so from the subject to risk point of view. There’s an there can be an inherent aesthetic appeal so the look of the color so especially if you might be colorblind you might interpret these things different right You might like the particular art style right now. We can get into more semantics here and in a second. This can just cultivate an emotion a feeling and it cultivates that response. There’s something about that. My dry you enter be like nah not me right for whatever reason sorry about up versus object of us and there’s a lot more here so i’m going to go into a little bit more but actually one thing i got back up on on. Subjective is that there is that our own experiences with beauty have drawn and ken draws to particular objects and scenes in such a way that we have little desire to pursue anything else and so what that means is if we have liked things then we might be wired to then consume content from that thing and keep wanting more of that thing. And be. I have blinders on tv. Consider other options. So i’m going to encourage you to remove the blinders and let’s learn and unpack ourselves okay. So that’s what we’re really doing this. For so from the object of point of things as a couple different aspects one theme so objective est is really coming at things because it has some quote unquote value so from an object of his point of view. It’s looking at criticisms and leaning in on particular aspects that can make the case for or against various things so for theme. I already talked to you about how. I’ve consume this content. There’s a movie coming out so that is a does a very deep theme within that though you might be someone who doesn’t like saifi and so from a scifi alone lens you might be like nah now my thing or if you have been in the board game hobby for a while you know that sometimes intellectual property coming to board game adoptions it can feel slapped on and so therefore there can be an aversion to want to consume that content because of experiences in the past right. We’ll get to that in a second actually You can also think about it. The designers and the company’s pedigree so dire wolf digital has come out with some pretty in my opinion fun and engaging content over the last while and the designers of this. The team that made the come together is the group that also did klenk the deck building game. Which i’ve personally played a bunch of times with my wife with friends things like that. And so from that lens if you are somebody who cares about pedigree and cares about proof of concept of one’s work as an author and content creator then this might be important to you or not or if you had a negative interpretation of clank index building. You might not want to lean on that from another land though was particularly the deck building aspects or the worker placement aspects or the fact that it’s even got cubes and we’ll talk about that but the mechanics themselves might for you or for me bring out some different reactions right.

00:20:02 – 00:25:00

So because it’s got depth building well if i don’t like having to keep shuffling my deck and i just want to focus on xyz. Then i might not want to try this or there might once i see that word it might voca reaction for me guy so this actually happened with the game. Pendle pendulum by stone mar games. So stone myers the bunch games and in there. It said time and that there’s going to be sad timers so the fact that that game had sand timers made people go now and not even give it a second chance order. Lean into it now. We leaned into it. If you want to hear her thoughts on it and experiences with it go check out the podcast but the mechanics themselves can make you be like sure ambivalent or like nah an unknown experience so from an objective point of view you could also be saying and not have any value on it. Because you haven’t had the experience. Or because i haven’t had the experience and so because i haven’t had my own firsthand experience. That could lead me to say that. It does not yet have value for me and i have yet to discover that value and so i’m not inclined to the gameplay changes due to component so this is really where if you’re weighing the different options of purchase to get the base game the base game plus the the upgrade kit. You you might be thinking for yourself of. Oh well cubes. Don’t evoke a reaction for me. I have more value in seeing little standi. Not sandy’s but plastic miniature stands on the board and that’s going to immerse myself more and therefore have more value or the facts of having those different towns so the disks that all of a sudden are sculpt and having that thing in front of you might make you feel like you have a better experience or am. I getting your way so for me by being able to have the experiences i want to choose whether for me do. I need those other aspects. Will it enhance and add value. That might be something different for you versus me and so that’s important to acknowledge but i love the fact that they’re giving us the option and same thing with the card sleeves dire wolf this amazing amazing thing. You’ve done. Thank you so those cards leaves if you are somebody who wants to upkeep your game or of played these things before that might increase your value of that game so typically. There’s a thing of when you look. At upgrade kits may be inserted or things like that the effective ones are the ones that are going to help you get the game to the table more often and so with that. It’s important to acknowledge that card sleeves might do that for you. It might upkeep your game longer it might help you. Shuffle them faster. Shuffle them more efficiently. Create a more random experience and so therefore that might increase your value of said game by having them in there. So it’s a really great idea that they’re offering that as an optional. Add on for the deluxe for the upgrade kit as well as the bundle. Now i did reach out to dire wolf to see if you can add it onto the base game. And i have yet to hear back but i will update the comments section of this if i do hear back from dire wolf to see if i’m able to do that because i think there’s an option there that was missed another thing with this. Is the plastic for secure. So do you need the plastic to evoke a reaction for you. If you are somebody who has read the books who has watched the movies who has played the regular dune board game with its little little chits little cardboard chits and really finally want to see a sand worm or these different like people that you have a reaction to whether it’d be the bene- jesuit the emperor et cetera. If you wanna know who they are. I don’t wanna say spoilers but you can read the book you can watch the things and you can read about it elsewhere. That might have oke more reaction and thus have more value. We’ve talked about that okay. So the considerations. I want to leave you with is that we have an internal hierarchy of values. The mechanisms might play out more than the components for you. The the game play can change that unknown experience. Sorry i had to look at one thing the pedigree of the designers that might be super paramount for you versus for somebody else might be like nab row and so with that we encourage you to pause and reflect on when you are evaluating a game. What are you basing that on. What is what is going into that for you.

00:25:00 – 00:30:07

What is your consideration set. What are the boxes that are important for you. Change show our aesthetic values can also change over time. We talked about this. I talked about this in the last episode to where what was once. Unique can then become the norm so with this this is from rigel. Twenty fifteen our attitudes towards aesthetic objects can be sensitive and flexible the painting that enthused us one week. May boris the next the band. You loved over the summer. You just loved over the summer and the shirt that collects dust in the closet strikes you one day as nostalgic and all of a sudden. It’s the best one you own. And so i encourage you to reflect on. Where are you in in games. Are there mechanisms that have been just hanging in the closet that all of a sudden cycle that one is something really like right now. Are you in a honeymoon season with particular mechanic that might be the case and so encourage you to reflect on. Has this hierarchy changed over time. But what is also standing out to you now. And can you get your pulse on whether or not that is just a fad. Or whether it’s just a honeymoon stage settle down or it’s been something that’s been there for a while. That’s been good slowly. Gaining momentum does important to pause and do some introspection there and so each have different preferences but also with change is the fact that we have all different financial in life situations so a price of game meaning a lot more for one person than somebody else and so one of the things. I want to commend dire will for the fact that they have this optional upgrade kit and then the optional card sleeves either way because by doing that it’s acknowledging that we’re all in different places and getting the taking game to the table is essentially for them. I bet what’s most important but wanting to provide this really great experience of these extra things for these fans of this notable intellectual property is important too but not assuming that everyone could have afforded that right and so i just wanted to take the time to acknowledge them and say thank you because we also might have a different appreciation and different value for a game. If you have a thousand or two hundred games in your collection versus five and that depending on which of those camps you might be in personally. The value of that one more being added might be super high or just another game and so i just wanna you it that you might be in a different spot than somebody else and so evaluate what does adding this game. And these upgrade kits. If need be mean to you we also have the motivation to seek similar things so when we experience something we like we want more of it right and so if you are somebody who experienced clank and you enjoy that you probably also saw it out. Clanking space and if you enjoyed those things you’re probably going to be like. Ooh i like this publisher or like their ability to do deck building. So i wanna consume this which is different. It’s worker placement to and there’s some political aspects also has this theme where clank clank in space. Where they’re kind of own. Thanks and so. Encourage you to pause and reflect on my seeking similar because a masseuse applying the same logic and feelings that i had for one thing to a new thing and so. Don’t leave things in the abstracted because it’s all going to be its own thing and i’m gonna talk about that here in a second when i talk about flowers. There’s also the ability to associated with the wrong object. And so this is again. This is from strandberg in two thousand eleven what elicits the relevant motivating response in an objective. Evaluation may be a situation. That is quite different from it. So right now. We’re in the midst of a pandemic. And i haven’t been able to play many games with people in person except with my wife or digitally and so i might be evaluating this game based on something i might get to do. And if i might get to do that thing then it’s going to potentially have a higher value for me okay versus for you. It might be different. You might have that opportunity right now. And i commend you. If that’s the case and just be safe but the other part of this too when we’re associating it is also acknowledging that we might have been looking forward to this movie or we might have an association to intellectual property which then can motivate us also to want to consume more of that content which may be irrelevant of the game and so be making sure to reflect on.

00:30:07 – 00:35:06

Is this game doing the things i wanted to do for myself. Will it do the things i wanted to do. Myself with a reasonable guess or for your game group. Can you get it played etc. So evaluating its knee jerk value versus its intrinsic value and the value that Based on all of your considerations your own valuation calculator we might say. Now i will say. And i’m gonna show here in a second where you can find out a lot more content about it so you can make those inferences and i’ve consumed a lot of it so if you want to talk more about it be happy to but i’m gonna show you where to go. If you want to consume more content about this case what to do consume more contents rise. You knew it was coming so first of all dire wolf. Some designer diaries are. They currently have five out there. One covers just the combat aspects the political aspects bango to the intellectual property the mode and two player mode so that’s pretty cool also with it though they acknowledged this really cool thing in that. Is there obviously working with this movie studio and the move the labe and so they acknowledge the fact that usually when that happens you might get. They might get told as calm as publishers. You gotta stop but the public the Movie studios said no keep going. And so i m personally thankful that that is the case that could have really potentially hurt a company and so i just think that relationship there. That’s positive i think that’s a good thing. But also they acknowledged that typically with these things the movie studios like to show off things while the problem as there’s multiple books to this dune thing and there are some holes in the story not like bad holes in the story but There’s this whole economy in religion and politics. That don’t necessarily get talked about in just one book. And so what they were able to do is they. Were able to work with the movie studio to actually bring in some different content from some of the books to make a more well rounded experience for the consumers of the content and make a better game and so that was just cool. I encourage you to go and read that. If you are somebody who likes reading board game content. They did a really good job in describing that and their passion for this project shows another thing during spiel digital the dice tower. I did a live play playthrough as you can see. It’s just shy of two hours long. They teach you how to play the game real quick. They do mess up the rules from time to time but they get called out in the rather quickly so they fixed those issues rather fast but this was a really cool opportunity to see the game. Play which we talked about before. It’s like an unknown experience. I haven’t seen it get played. This is your opportunity to do that. But also just recently rodney smith of watch it play just posted the how to play video which covers all the different mechanics in this and the basic aspects of how to play with an alluding to the solo mode and two player mode at the end. I also want you to then reflect on your situation. We talked a couple times about that. And that you might be in a you might have a game group that you can get this played. You might have a game. That’s really more oriented towards another type of game and so just understand that your gaming situation might be different and to see which things would work. What would it make sense for you to just have the base game. Do you have the capacity in shelf space etc for the upgrade kit. Do you care about the the lore and finally wanting miniatures even if you don’t use them in the game Just so that way. You can have them because i might be you and if that is awesome go ahead please go ahead for what my opinion is worth. Go ahead consume the content you want to consume and with that. Also go into talk about How do you view flowers. And i know this might be a weird thing after. All this dune stuff does plan. What do you mean flowers so when you see a bouquet of flowers and i’m inclined to this a little bit do some family things right now. When you see a bouquet of flowers one bouquet might be beautiful right another one for some reason might just have a certain arrangements like and like that if you see a bouquet of flowers that you don’t like does that mean that every bouquet of flowers is then unappealing no it’s not and so if you have had positive experiences or negative experiences with deck building with an ip on a game or any of these other mechanics or aspects we’ve talked about or sci-fi etc. That doesn’t mean that that’s going to be the experience you have with this one. And so i would encourage you to take the blinders and evaluate it in its isolation yes.

00:35:06 – 00:38:13

Use that stuff to inform you. ’cause you’re gonna take every experiences you’ve had through that lens but just be able to reflect on are you letting one experience or a handful of experiences determined all future experiences and just encourage you to reflect on that because again we change and not every bouquet of flowers is going to be the same and so i think that’s the last year yup so i want to just kind of wrap up here. I hope this was helpful. I have enjoyed looking at all this content. It’s been a really great thing for me. Anticipation of this game. I am very much looking forward to this. Game again. That’s my personal position on this. And i can’t wait to play it. I cannot wait to play. I look forward to trying out the sola mode. I look forward to you trying out the two player mode and look forward to talking about it on the podcast with josh. And i hope this has been helpful. I think that dire wolf has done an amazing job in creating this content and stewarding good transparency in this process. I know there’s going to be a lot more reviews coming out soon. As there was an embargo on some of that so do look for more content. This is just the content. I know of right now but really. Just go out and make good choices for yourself. Evaluate each game for what it could bring for what it could do and just because you have one experience doesn’t mean that will be always your experience but i also wanna commend dire wolf on one more thing and that this is not a line they needed to do and by no way by the way no no way in my sponsored by dire wolf i received anything from dire wolf. This just doing this but the thing that i really appreciate they did besides everything else already talked about is the fact that they are encouraging you to if possible. Purchase this from your local game store because a lot of game stores might be hurting with everything going on in the world at the time of this is we’re still in the midst of covid pandemic and and to if you are wanting to preorder it from your local game store to make sure to talk to them about pre ordering it so that way you can get that lady of iraqis promo card because they can reach out to their distributors. They’ve got a whole website of what distributors are providing that extra promo card. So if you want that extra content whether you’re getting it from them or otherwise. Do make sure to preorder. And i encourage you to check this out link to dire website where you can read more about this and things like that. We’re all gonna be on their please. If you like this content if this was something cool let me know what stood out to you in the comments down below. Let your thoughts on june. Are this game. I’d love to just have a conversation with you and really connect with you. This has been a really nice opportunity. But in gaza encourage you to go check out our podcast content over board game impact. That’s available on all of your favorite podcasts platforms. Trust me. it’s on all of them. But if you like this content. I’m going to try to do more of this. And so make sure to hit subscribe and of course that little bell icon so you can be notified. But until that as i and every episode of the podcast go out and make a positive impact in the world by.