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Episode 50 – Celebrating 50 Episodes while Making a Positive Impact

This episode is a celebration! We recorded it LIVE at the conclusion of an online game day where we raised awareness and funds for Tabletop Alliance. What better way to live up how we end every episode with “go make a positive impact on the world.” Bruce and Josh are joined in the beginning by some others who participated in the game day, then there is some reflection on the day as well as the past 49 episodes, and then some excitement that is to come despite everything going on in the world at the time. We are so humbled and cannot believe we are at 50 episodes, and cannot wait to do 50 more!

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Episode 50 Celebrating 50 Episodes while Making a Positive Impact

00:00:09 – 00:05:07

Hello and welcome to the fiftieth episode. We’re celebrating in this episode so we actually being recorded live so stay tuned for all the excitement and why we’re doing this live. Hello and welcome to the fiftieth episode of board game impact. How crazy is that. So my name of course is bruce brown as always. I am joined by josh. So josh and i are not the only ones here. We’re going to introduce a couple more people real fast but first of all if this is your first episode board game backed make sure to hit that. Subscribe button because what we’re doing is we’re applying our educational lenses. Both josh and i work fulltime and higher education. We apply those educational lenses to the gaming experiences. Mma games we’re playing for your benefit and your game groups benefit so make sure to hit subscribe like on all the things and speaking of liking all the things i like the next people and the other people we had today on this stream because this is lie. This was a live recording that we’re doing On the board game impact facebook page. So let’s introduce a couple people who have been with us out of ours not everyone who is with us. This is just those who could be here right now but first of all fox you’ve been on the entire time introduce yourself. Hi i’m fox I play board games with bruce. And i used to play board games. Josh play board games. Josh today is great. And i’m also the financial officer of tabletop alliance and so we’ve been streaming all day. Four tabletop top lions. We’re gonna talk all about that but justin how introduce yourself justed. Would we’re friends and we’d like to play games together. Laid with all these people for a long time. It was a good day of playing games and it was absolutely great. Dan playing games. And i know you on the august dream. We did as well. So welcome back for another live episode recording conrad whereby you why is connor. They same same deal. All we play board games prime members or previous members of the twelve game or group out here in college station and gaming as well. So conrad this is. You are the conrad who i often refer to in the episodes for always whooping my tale showing me how to break games. I never always figure it out myself. Well you humble me all the time. So thank you for that So is also people we have on the stream today just to give them a little credit because there are so wonderful for sending a couple of hours with today but we had lucia on playing some games with us as well as And that was just so kind of taking y’all time out of today to play games to raise awareness for this great caused so real quick josh one or two you explain what the heck we’ve been doing for the last seven hours. Yeah absolutely so. We announced on a previous episode. That bruce and i along with fox have spent quite a bit of time over the last six to eight months or so putting together a nonprofit Something that bruce. And i as we talked about in the past really wanted to do to kind of live up to that message of going out and having a positive impact on the world and so we have created the table. Top alliance a Nonprofit dedicated to the development and the Kind of development of skill sets teaching education. All those types of things as well as providing four games to educators and community members and folks who are using games with younger audiences folks who are trying to integrate gaming into their work into the Stuff they are doing in after school programs and the likes. And so we’ve been spending the last seven hours. This is our first kind of coming out. fundraiser And over the past seven hours with a few donations coming in before we actually started streaming but most coming in over the past seven hours have managed to raise Seven hundred seventy four dollars or this. ’cause all of that money goes to the table top alliance for the purpose of getting these games into the hands of kids and helping their educators are teachers their community leaders.

00:05:07 – 00:10:12

Whoever they’re working with to know how to teach games and know how to use games in an educational setting so we are hosting webinars and we are We already have live on the table. Top alliance dot org webpage. I encourage all of our listeners. To go and check out a massive number of resources. Most of which bruce has been scouring the internet for and putting up there Putting in a lot of the leg work Especially as it relates to the website and working with Getting us approved as a five one. Three c Institution organization all of those types of things so Another shoutout once again bruce. For for all of your hard work we appreciate it But yeah that’s that’s what we’ve been doing today. We’ve had a great day of gaming a great day of raising money We are still ongoing. This is not a one time initiative so listeners. As you’re hearing this if this sounds like an organization that you want to support We’re not going to plug it on this podcast constantly but absolutely would love to have you go to our facebook page. Go to our instagram page. Like if you have the capability to donate We would greatly appreciate that though. It’s certainly not expected It is much appreciated and does thanksgiving such a rundown of everything. It’s been utterly humbling and in the greatest ways to have all of you playing games with us today as well as the encouragement. That’s been coming in. And diana thank you. You just commented in the chat. The happy golden pot over serie. that’s amazing Thank you for that acknowledgement that. It feels really cool to get to here. And so i thought i’d go One by one. And just have you share each of you share who are still here with us just What was your favorite gaming experience from the day. So part of tabletop alliance sharing about like positive things are happening with gains right and so how about we have each of you share like. What was your favorite little moment of today. In what game was that That that happened so in no particular order who would like to go first It was really fun watching justin. Just zoom out in In dallas and when in like three turns that was pretty fun. Justin how many turns did you actually take in that game of downforce. I played three cards. The whole game when the lockdown was to go up with the like. So that was yeah. That’s that’s a pretty cool moment. Not gonna lie actually didn’t realize it at first and had to change my like like view where there’s only five cars. What the heck is he doing all the way over there. It was amazing. That was so much fun. That’s just kinda got Prompted up there. I don’t assume that was your favorite moment of the day but is it was. It was exactly what i was gonna say stole. It was the best moment of board gaming. I mean the best thing is just hanging out with everybody. I mean that’s interesting. Yeah so again. Downforce downforce was kind of interesting today so today we played three games of downforce right so we played the map. That’s kind of like big sur. With the big arch bridge We had the the little rumble spaces on their. We couldn’t be in those spaces. You had to keep moving well as interesting and how. It kind of made us stop at different points. Another one we played was the one that justin is talking about in that was the aloha sands Which is the one with jumps. And then we also played the one with the in the savannah with the elephants and antelopes and snakes that was cool conrad robot. You is your favorite moment today. Well i mean of course just ahead more on us trying to search back the oh the other moment that i can remember when we were playing. Welcome to Though like the first twenty eight twenty nine houses or so everybody was placing them just fine and then suddenly three or four people simultaneously put in place and this continued on but it was just like the sudden drop that happened. yeah to me them simultaneously. Most fun yeah. It was kind of interesting. How wrong it was right up until that moment. Where like we’re all placing things like this is. This is too good. This is too good right now. And then everything crumbled out from underneath us saw all kind of at the same time so although we were playing these solo experiences people playing along with us. Yeah you’re right. We had this kind of common thing across metaphorical table. I mean that’s that’s one of the joys of the doing great gunson’s clever or whatever else feel like a superclub then suddenly everything that’s ripped out from under you a share that experience.

00:10:12 – 00:15:02

Simultaneous jostled by you. So as much as i’ve loved playing games with everybody and talking through all of this And you know. Outside of the gaming. I mean the biggest thing is is the money that we raised in the support that we the no the amount of times are shared and all that absolutely fantastic but when it comes to just straight up favorite moments in gaming I go back to actually the game. The first game that we played which was Can’t stop with. Just bruce box. And i and i rushed out to a pretty early lead there. So in can’t stop. You are trying to get Three pillars of your color. And i managed to rush out to grab two of those pretty quickly and then before you knew it. Fox zoomed ahead and snag that one out from underneath me and so that was that was really fun especially knowing that was fox. I time playing and It’s always fun to kind of see When especially in those type of pressure or kind of pressure luck style games where there’s only so much control that you have to kind of. Have those really exciting moments pop up. Yeah absolutely lost because you stopped. You can’t open the game that point in the name you are correct you gotta you gotta play it cautious every once in a while. I thought i thought that i had enough time to keep going. And no fox knockout to two columns in one turn and snagged it and weren’t easy columns either. Because obviously you’re gonna roll the sevens more predictable. You already locked down and so it was one of those things of yeah. You can have the statistics and it might not be probable but it’s still possible and so that was a really cool moment I guess it leaves me so the support encouragement has been absolutely wonderful day to day Seeing some of you listeners. Actually pop into the chat and like comment on different. Things has been wonderful to see and hear from you. Play with you again because we got split with some of you back in august like alex is so great playing with you. Only get the play but you were there in spirit like commenting on us and commiserating with us. That was a really. We were not playing well that we were playing rolling realms and it was the dice for not in our favor or we just played really poorly. Let’s actually go with that That’s probably more true But then also we had these moments today where especially in the beginning. People were commenting about how these little moments of gaming Made a lot of an impact for them. in different ways whether it be d. and d. or playing games and recognizing things about oneself and all that was kinda coming in while we were playing can’t stop and honestly coming into today stream. I was just so excited and nervous right but those are the same feelings because we’ve never done a stream for tabletop alliance. You’ve never done this. Before and honestly seeing fox dominate judge. Josh had come back from essentially nothing. But then also seeing seeing those words coming in in that game That those moments right there men a whole lot and kind of set the tone for me for today of of the perspective of what we’re doing and and that was just match time after time after time throughout the stream and so i think because that’s set the tone so well for me personally. I think that’s really what hit home. So up justin jackson. I heard say something. I didn’t think i did might just been an echo. Make muted out asleep so with all of this being said why just wanna hear or some things from the three of you and then does are gonna talk a little bit more after this Just want to three view if there’s anything that you would like to share while you’re here with us To kind of round out today honestly for me. this is a lot of just. I met all of y’all through four games and so it’s kind of perfect that here we are. We can’t be together physically but we’re getting back together again here. Doing we all love and how we all met one another and just continuing on in this despite everything twenty twenty is thrown at us.

00:15:03 – 00:20:13

So just you know being able to hear you guys and play games with you again. It’s been It’s been really great. Today’s has been It’s been fantastic. Good it’s been bucket filling for us to conrad whereby you these are. These are the highlights. Well considering how can we actually play highlights but As opposed to weeks. But it’s still still pretty great eighteen. Y’all hearing y’all every time everytime we hang out online whether online or things online now that’s true and that being said i also just want to give a little extra kudos because it’s one thing to play games with less and hanging out as friends online but it’s another thing to actually sign up and say yeah i’m gonna play and bruce like with you live streaming it to the world and interjecting all these little things to trying to raise awareness. So that’s That’s an extra level of things and it means a whole lot to me From all of you. And then also george the who were also on the stream. Just anything to kind of close out for you before josh and i talk about some more stuff was fun. Thanks for trading charity and everything you know. Having a life the teacher this could be a good resource for her. So appreciate everything. You’ve done that like happy to avenue and actually i wanted. Just give a shout out real quick. I still remember meeting with your wife. Diana and talking with her about how we can help align outcomes and different things like that actually part of what inspired it to be honest. I haven’t really talked about this. A part of what inspired it. Besides their own experiences and talking with fox was. I remember when diana came to bg con Spring khan and was going around and got a test case from puerto games That could be used in the classrooms to show for for her forensics loss. Right And i just remember that and there was this. I think that helps some of the stars align before fox than i ever talked to be completely honest and so i also thank you for that And instilling that. Yeah so hey so the three of you. I wish you a wonderful night. Actually real quick we were talking after the stream. We were gonna maybe hang out pop back on. Maybe play some routes But that’s going to be a separate so if you want to check that out we’re gonna scream that separate over on the board game and backpage so you wanna watch that or if you wanna go back and watch that you can do that but hey the three of you you have a wonderful rest of your night and we’ll talk to you later. Okay now everybody like the night. So josh so we taught ruth. It’s been a good day and so the noise you’re hearing by the way of his them hopping-off discord. You’re live recording so the games we played today josh. Weren’t you just. We talked about them. Let’s get a quick crash course of the games. We played so that way if people are wondering what did they stream for that many hours. What was it yes so we started off just as i mentioned Myself you and fox We we kicked off with a few games of can’t stop as we kind of talked about where the idea for tabletop. Lions came from and as kind of the founders slash board members of the organization on just getting started off with that We went into played a couple of games of seven wonders with a few other folks. I believe in that one. We had Justin conrad and george joins us there. We joined for game two. Oh yes loosely. It did join for game two weeks and then also got in a couple of games a or a game of welcome to a really fun. Little i guess flipping right not really a rolling right. Because you have a deck of cards that you’re flipping through. Lucia joined in with everyone else. That was already playing seven wonders on that one had a really good time. I think we had a couple folks following along at home which is always kind of cool to see especially with those rolling rights where you really don’t have a lot of interaction with other players and so you’re able to really do large numbers And half people playing from a distance which is kinda cool We played a couple. You mentioned the three games of downforce that we had That was really really enjoyable. I think we see a had to jump off during that set of games but a really enjoy down for always And then finally close it out with a game well sorry had a game of rolling realms that we did again With an ability for players to play along with us.

00:20:13 – 00:25:00

and if you’re listening to this now And weren’t able to join us on the livestream One of the beauties of these roland right style games is You can go back and you can actually play along with us on the video and see how you did compared to us Given the numbers that we had So if you’re looking for something to do On an afternoon you you can check. That out of the video will still be up on the Facebook page as well as on the youtube page for the table top alliance and so and then and then we finally. I guess we close it out with a few minutes left We’re able to squeeze in a few extra games of seven wonders because it’s just so easy on board game arena to get through that game in just a few minutes and did you mention for sale. I forget i did not mention for sale. I completely forgot we played for sale. We played a lot of games today. And it’s so great. How many games were able to get in and and that we honestly have such a great friend group including georgian lucia That are willing to do this. And also the support encouragement that. I’ve gotten in messages of just people in our extended networks. It’s just so wonderful to see. I’m going to put something up on the screen right now. I popped it up there. But it’s hannah did just say it live in the chat that she’s tearing up a little bit and that her forensics class love that game diana i’m so glad to hear that Because that that that’s the power that these things can have right. Because there’s different types of games the three major classifications for gaming towards educational purposes and outcomes in general. Those three are gamification. A serious gaming and simulation Gamification is taking game ideas such as like leaderboards experience points or grades honestly That is gamification. And then the second one is serious gaming. That is retake. Take a game that exists. So let’s take The poor game. So detective. Right and let’s apply. Let’s have them just play this. But they’re playing it with a set of outcomes and then simulation is one where you design a game to simulate a case study And so that’s just wanted to clarify that if those terms were new or if this whole idea of game in education is new and so a you got to do dan. Just put this out. There is a little bit of columns two and three of that The serious gaming as well as simulation. So that’s really cool and That’s something must put out there forensics. They’re not going to get the practice that too many other ways And so that’s really cool and getting that so table and hopefully you’ve been able to get to the table more as well. I know you’ve changed roles a little bit but thanks for commenting and thanks for being such a great support And then rob is commenting run the live that i just haven’t been able to play route in months. Oh rob feel free to hop on and cheer us along and And and pick your factions and goal according to that And again this is a live recording so Thank you for those who are listening to it. On your podcasts off. Understanding that But Josh with all that being said we’ve got to play some really cool games. We talked about the experiences that we had and we got to talk about those lenses being applied. But it’s been a little bit for us to talk about this. I think it’s important for us to acknowledge some of just some quick highlights of some games that you and i want to dive deeper into over the coming episodes as go more into twenty twenty one but again. This is celebrating the fiftieth episode. So i love the fact that all are you are welling welcome. Welcome to these different comments on here and kind of saying thank you for today and what we able to do but also let’s look forward at what’s to come absolutely so bruce the first thing i want to bring up and i i don’t know that we’ve actively talked about this Between the two us. But the thing that. I am most excited for in coming episodes Is i think we can do a pretty good. Deep dive on dune at this point is dune imperium specifically As bruce you put out a excellent video on the youtube channel I was that one that made it into the podcast. He’d when we were the first the first video did So youtube videos. I did one. That was looking at the preorder system. That i will and talking about aesthetic value just using it as a conduit to talk about aesthetic value and then another one that was an unboxing and talking about the player experience. Yeah so we. I was able to snag a copy of dune over.

00:25:00 – 00:30:04

the holidays. Got a play in playthrough in with some folks. While i was visiting family Really really enjoyed it. Alex just commented that he’s been wanting to try it and alex. I highly recommend it. Same very very interesting Game combining worker placement and deck building really with an emphasis on the deck building. I would say more than worker placement though. Certainly you need to Be using your your workers throughout the game as well but I am very excited and hope that we can get a few more games in Each and At some point in the future do a really deep dive review into imperium. I am very much looking forward to that as well The other thing there actually was commenting on some other podcasters. Who were talking about it. Who have only played it on tabletop simulator but didn’t necessarily acknowledge that i’m gonna call that not a bad way but had reached out of like hey based on what your experience expressing curious if you had gotten to play it in person in your bubble or if you’re playing online ’cause there’s this other element to that. I don’t know if you experience josh. And but we don’t want to get too far to spoiler that conversation but there’s this like a element to it of like. I know you bought that card. Is it in your hand. Because if it is i’m kind of sol. And up a creek or it’s gonna change everything and you’re going to stab me in the back but it’s like you can see the thing coming but you don’t know if they actually drew it so the deck building in that game. Yes it’s very important but it actually foster’s school thing at the table combined with if it’s not in their hand. What spaces do i need to worry about on the board. That’s why i kind of gave a little look if you’re watching the livestream of this of about the The worker placement aspects. Still being very important because it is. There’s a lot of spaces. Don’t get me wrong. But depending on whether or not they drew that card it could be very interesting So yeah absolutely looking forward to june. That’s gonna be so good. Yeah definitely want to put a pin in that. Because i have a lot to say but right now leave that for rattlesnakes. Get so excited sometimes. What bruce what. What are you interested in. Talking about in the future upcoming episodes. Yeah so one. That i am excited about and then i have another one for after that and they’ll throw it back to you. One that i am excited about talking about is war of whispers second edition so i backed. The kicks are on that that came in. I played it to player it. So warm whispers. If you’re not familiar with that it’s like supposed to be. The game of thrones game What’s interesting about if you’ve ever watched game of thrones essentially your varis and little finger were. You’re not actually in control of the board or any of the factions rather you have your spies and influence in all these five different civilizations and what’s interesting is you all kind of have a little influence in each of those five civilizations and it creates created some really cool experiences again. I’m not going to spoil the thing but at two player this thing sung like a bird and i can’t wait to play it at three and four player. I will say that much. I didn’t know how much it was going to sing. But oh my gosh did it. I was able to actually get in my second playthrough of war whispers over the holidays Laying in my little holiday bubble And that was absolutely. I agree bruce. It is a fantastic game. I can’t wait to talk more about it. And i will tell you that i’ve only played it for player and i played it a four player twice and it absolutely sings for player as much as i think it would at two. Yeah and what’s cool about. It didn’t need a dummy player. Which i will say dune did require a sort of dummy player to players because that is mine gaming situation in all the world but the one i throw on a say and then i’m gonna throw it back to you for another thing and if you’ve been listening to the podcast for a while you know what which permits designer. I’m about to talk about and think it’d be a mess if we didn’t mention this designer yet again And that is the tapestry. Plans employees expansion Playing pretty significant amount of that lately. Actually since i got it in but again hashtag nada. Stone meyer podcast. I couldn’t help it. But hey this is where we’re at so josh. Have you gotten to try this yet. I have not but it was a stocking gift for me over the holidays and so it is currently sitting On my shelf It is unopened right now. But i i will be diving into into that.

00:30:04 – 00:35:06

I i realized. I have not given tapestry the attention that that i think. That game deserves Going back and thinking about it is You know. It’s one of those games that i want to play more of for sure. And and hopefully this expansion will get it back to the table me. Yeah honestly again. We’ll talk more about it. Obviously you’re going to be playing to tapestry for me. I got it back to the table with everything else going on because my wife had not played it And at two player it just happened to click for us in a really cool way But the plans employees expansion added obviously a whole bunch new factions and stuff but everybody also gets a secret building that only they get to build and the other players don’t know what that is and those little interactions actually brought out a lot more in terms of Feeling like the actions. That i was taking i had were meaningful So i did wanna talk about that. Because i think it brought some new life into something that was really really not getting played that often for me personally So kind of like resuscitated itself A very cool way. So what are you got. I know you’ve been cranking out a game that i have not been able to play. You said you played like sixteen this day. I’m going to just say oh. Yeah so the whole reason for my gaming bubble I was very confused the whole reason. We established a gaming bubble or the holidays was to crank out as much of a king’s dilemma as humanly possible I think i. I was thrown off by the question of playing. Because i don’t know that that it is a game of ood spoilers later. We’ll we’ll we’ll definitely dive much deeper into that. It is a very interesting experience and one that We actually figured out. I think away we weren’t able to get through it. I think we’re probably about between half to two thirds of the way through the campaign right now and i would say It’s going very interestingly. But i’m very much looking forward to getting it back. We were able to figure out that that we can continue to do this. the zoom and so that that gaming group will each of us took home our little faction boards and we will be a doing some regular biweekly monthly. Something like that. We’ll we’ll be figuring out some way for us to continue to play until we can conclude that campaign but definitely a very interesting. Yeah definitely so. I look forward to hearing that. It sounds like it’s been positive but the whole game thing is going to be interesting so real quick so those are some of the games have been playing. That’s not all the games we’ve playing by a long shot. However those are some major major things that we’re gonna be talking about on the upcoming episodes But josh lesser also quickly say in foreshadow what might be coming down the pipeline even after that so what are some games you got in real quick for this holiday season and then i’ll share some of mind and also i want to share one more thing besides that so In addition to dune and the expansion forecast I went ahead and did a holiday. Since i was in saint louis for the holidays with family That’s where my family lives. I i went ahead and did a pickup from miniature market and managed to grow since. That’s where they’re they’re actually went to miniature market. That’s so great yeah. We went into their store front It’s a little bit different from their warehouse shirt. Actually josh. i wanna pause you real quick and also one thing to say is for this whole fundraiser stream thing obviously for listening to this after we recorded this live. It’s a little too late but metro market actually donated a gift card that We’re giving away during the stream weekend for anybody. That likes the tabletop. Alliance facebook page or follows it And so Thank you two minutes or market for doing that. Just want to give you all some credit. ’cause y’all doing some great things in helping people in this time and so. Yeah so we’ve been talking to them about some other upcoming opportunity so definitely want to hop on over there if you want to stay tuned on some other things from inch market lutely great. Shout out there bruce So yeah absolutely thank you to miniature market for some of us in this endeavor looking forward to a continued relationship with them hopefully actually. I’m going to pause one more time. Because i forgot are In addition to the table top alliance a donation.

00:35:06 – 00:40:01

Josh and i at the end of the before the holiday season we were saying. Thank you to you as listeners And so if you want to go into the show notes for this episode as it’s published you knew that oregon go gone over to the board game impact face not facebook page The website and there’s a contest app. We’re actually giving away a thirty dollar gift card there as well For board game impact Just to say thank you for helping us reach this incredible milestone of fifty episodes so There is a bonus thing for getting some extra entries and surprise. Surprise the the secret code that you want to enter their is alliance a. l. l. i. a. nc alliance. Go ahead josh. Sorry for interrupting your good. No volt both very reasonable and valid reasons to interrupt. So yeah the the games i was able to pick up there. I managed to a copy of honey buzz. Which has been all over the hotness for the last couple of weeks and Looking forward to giving that dry awesome awesome production value really great artwork really really pretty hoping to try and get that to the table with the wife sometime in the next couple of weeks. And hopefully we’ll have some thoughts on that and then also snagged a copy of watson sue. You not gonna try in spell that off the top of my head right now. This is a another installment in the what has been colloquially termed the tea series of game so zolkin to walk in a two k. New and then taunton. Sue is the most recent This being as the incan empire really excited to to get those to the table. Hopefully we’ll have some thoughts on those coming up But actually the game. I most excited or later and twenty twenty one to talk about and review As i am so ready for sleeping gods to arrive. This is the kickstarter. I have been most anxious to get in I think my. I think elisabeth my wife and i are going to try and sit down and and set up a bi weekly game session to try and play through the story of sleeping gods. And i’m i’m just over the moon excited for this game to arrive so looking forward to that caitlyn’s in the same boat and actually while we’re talking about red raven games. I want to give a plug. There’s going to be an upcoming kickstarter for a little like behind the scenes video movie. That’s going to that all these scott. Alden with or game geek is going to be helping produce. That’s all about design process for all of the red raven stuff but also brenna with Red raven games her. And i were in contact about today’s stream And it was just a little hard with the holiday season. But they’re so excited about what we’re doing is a nonprofit and can’t wait to actually be donating games real soon so it was just so nice to work with you brenna over these last couple of weeks And obviously it’s the holiday season started the year. So it’s a little difficult plus and twenty twenty twenty But just wanna put that out there and to say thank you for all of that But josh i ever kickstarter. That’s going to be coming in. I just got the update from an isaac childress today Looking forward to frost haven coming in and They i was going through the rule book and what they’re doing to the changes there and man. There’s some cool stuff where you can’t spoil what’s coming anymore. It’s kinda like a choose your own adventure book These designing it which is so cool. Another thing that. I am looking forward to is. I got over the holidays. I got another war. Banned for warcry I got the corridor car drone overlords. These are kind of like these. Like steam punk dwarf dude. Some looking forward to building and painting with them and eventually getting to play with you josh. While we’re live. I’m going to do this. So here is one of the models. I had been working on. So this is a night haunts Little banshee so if you wanna watch live and they also just finished building up these guys. These guys are huge but storm cast a terminals. They’re huge compared to their. Go ahead i am. I am thrilled. I haven’t so. I was super super. Happy bruce I haven’t gotten a chance to say. Thank you an in person for my christmas gift. Which was a a a set of Sylvan’s fought for warcry. Which i am They’re still vince. I think is actually what they call them. In in work i I’m excited to get those. I haven’t had a chance to sit down and and put them together.

00:40:02 – 00:45:01

I those look great. Bruce and i cannot wait to get a get back to the table. Thanks in the reason i keep holding. This up is because this towel guy and my right hand so if you’re watching the stream you’re seeing what i’m talking about. Otherwise thanks for understanding. It’s a livestream The towel guy is regular human size. These storm cast dude or huge So i had never worked with a model. This big apparently is the same size as a space marine. So when i did this. I was very surprised And so it was just kind of interesting. I can’t wait to paint these. These birds are also pretty sweet In addition i also got both the eastern front expansion for memoir forty four and so just in who was playing games with us all day him and i had played through the entire base game memoir. Forty four love that that was thirty. Two scenarios And so can’t wait to add in the soviets for this next to go about. But then i also got the terrain pack Which comes with all whore things. So we’ve got a lot of memoir forty four that we’re going to be able to play two player which is probably going to be one of the safest introductions to coming back into gaming so excited to be getting to do that besides that got some other models and stuff to make. But there’s some really great kickstarter pre-ordered in addition This past week. I pre-ordered preorder i Coming in in two days from miniature market nine hundred sixty making of president by gmt games and then Next month i’ll be receiving the expansion for Blitzkrieg war game and twenty minutes. So i got the base game that which was out of print for about a year and a half As i got that over the holidays. And then i’m going to be having the nippon expansion which adds in godzilla coming in next month. So there’s a lot to be excited about an upcoming episodes. I honestly don’t know how we’re gonna fit all that in and then some ’cause like you know there’s going to be so many more things but needless to say. I’m really excited about the future. Absolutely i’m i’m very excited to see. What twenty twenty one brings. I think we I am amazed that if feels like five years ago we talked about being in the golden era of board games and it just feels like this golden era continues to get better and better and so cannot cannot wait to see what twenty twenty one brings us. Yes and really excited to share all of that with you and with our listeners. Absolutely and so. Please make sure to share this with all the people and i just want to thank you for an amazing fifty episodes and getting to this point. Honestly it was one of the things like we’re gonna see how this goes and this has just been so bucket filling of connecting staying connected especially once we got you on josh of we change things up and it’s really a great way for us to stay connected no matter the distance no matter how far but it’s also really wonderful to have this community coming together and talking about things and so as you’re having experiences to please feel free to comment on the facebook page because we want to celebrate that and ask you questions because we can all learn together and i think that is in play together and that’s really part of what you’re doing. Today is playing games with some really dear friends of ours For a cause and sometimes that causes just to have fun and to spend time with people. And i know that for many twenty twenty was rough and to be transparent it like the first couple of weeks twenty twenty one have been interesting to say the least but at least we have found such an uplifting thing that we’re able to do and let’s hold onto that and play games online so if you wanna play some games online. Let’s try and schedule some stuff. Please feel free to reach out so us. But in addition twenty twenty one is starting off. Really great. And i can’t think of honestly one of a better way to do that today with Doing this i like awareness stream and fundraiser. And y’all just blown away with the support today and you know the fact that we raised Seven hundred seventy four dollars today And if you want to contribute to that If you are in kind place you can you. I’m gonna leave the link open. You can just text table. Top two four four three two one s tabletop. Two four four three two one But in addition We’re going to be having some upcoming webinars for the nonprofit And so that’s going to be super exciting for all of that. So we’ve got one on february third as that’s wednesday that’s going to be with matthew. Eappen chuck all aboard games and then we also have another webinar. In the first week of march with mac suze schoolteacher up in philly who teaches a business class and does a after school club also with games and so those things are going to be really cool to hear how those are having an impact and since this is a group that likes hearing this educational lens applied the things. I thought you might like to know about these free webinars. You can attend. You can find those on the tabletop.

00:45:01 – 00:48:38

Alliance dot org face not facebook. Facebook ads there too but website But josh what do you want to say just to kinda round out this recording And stuck kick us off into the rest of this year it’s been a absolute blast Bruce as always Love getting to to gain with you really miss gaming with all all of the the folks that we got games with today It reminds me how much i miss living in texas. Where i got to see you all on a regular basis. Not that we’re seeing much of one another right now anyway. But you know really miss. Those game days Love love spending time with you all absolutely great to to get a have a Really looking forward to this year Really hopeful i think there’s a lot of really great games coming out and and games that are out that just need to get laid i Yeah i i. It’s just been so bucket. Filling Launching tabletop alliance being part of this podcast Had both both have been the highlights of twenty twenty one for me or twenty two thousand and so Really excited to see where where the lions goes from here. what we’re able to do with it really looking forward to participating in those webinars definitely something that i’m gonna be excited to take part in In can’t wait to the what else. Where of that. And then of course you know. Weekly biweekly. Check into bruce. Never never a downside for me so Really happy to continue this on. Or i mean let’s just call it now. Another fifty episodes least Hopefully longer than that. But i can’t wait to see what the next fifty bring up and it’s been so wonderful to kick off twenty twenty one like this. Gosh he said it perfectly and with that being said i’m just so looking forward to everything is your offer. There’s so many things. I wanna to tell you about this going on for this nonprofit. That’s going to be coming out soon. I have so many meetings over the next week. It’s kinda crazy in a cool way So definitely signed up for the newsletter during the facebook group. Because i want you to be able to celebrate some of those really cool things with us But again we’re not gonna spend every episode talking about. This is really something special for doing this. One live and so with that being said. Let’s just go into twenty twenty one looking forward to. Everything’s calm looking forward to the experiences we’re going to get the have safely I encourage all of you when the opportunity comes to definitely go make sure you your friends. Everybody as long as they are safe unable to get the vaccine stuff so we can get back to gaming in person. I’m excited about the latter. Half of this year is going. Be some really exciting opportunities. I know all the different conventions are talking about how to do that safely. And so i’m excited for that needs to be coming out to But obviously we have these great tools available to us. Oh thankful we live in an technology-laden because this wouldn’t have been possible and the fact that we’ve had gaming through all of this has been great but you know what we’re just gonna springboard out of this l. even better so with that. Let’s let’s end on a hell. Yeah even better and we encourage you to subscribe to all the things and until next time go make your positive impact on the world.