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Episode 36 – Playing Games Digitally

During the global pandemic of COVID-19 we have been faced with unprecedented challenges, within this we also see an opportunity to try new technologies, find new ways to connect, and develop new skills. This being said, in today’s episode Bruce and Josh share about their journey into playing board games digitally with each other. Since Bruce and Josh live in different states, they have actually been able to play more games together than they normally get to. Specifically, they talk about how to connect with your game community using different apps (Discord, GroupMe, Slack), places to find games online using Steam, then the difference between board game digital adaptions vs simulators, and finally two games that they have played together. Enjoy, be safe, and make a positive impact on the world!

Specific Games Discussed:

  • Steam: Rails to Riches (Digital adaptation of Age of Steam)
  • Scythe (Digital Adaption of Scythe)(Asmodee Digital & Stonemaier Games)

Communicaiton Platforms for Remote Gaming:

  • Discord
  • GroupMe
  • Zoom

Audit Transcription (Generated by AI….Coming soon)